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kāi guō
  • boil;(of a pot) boil;noisy
开锅 [kāi guō]
  • (1) [(of a pot) boil] [口]∶锅里的液体经加温而沸腾

  • 柴湿火不旺,煮了半天还没有开锅

  • (2) [noisy]∶比喻场面喧闹、热烈

开锅[kāi guō]
  1. 汤一开锅就把浮面儿的油撇掉。

    Skim the grease from the soup when it starts to boil .

  2. 当开锅时,继续熬煮,直至呈现泡沫。

    When it 's hot , whisk until it 's frothy .

  3. 锅还没开,先别铺桌布。(不到火候别开锅)

    Do not spread the cloth till the pot begins to boil .

  4. 再过一会儿这儿都炸开锅了。

    After a little while all hell broke loose .

  5. 当果酱变稠时,移开锅不再加热。

    After the sauce is thick , remove the pan from the heat .

  6. 树叶沙沙作响,海水像开锅了似地汹涌澎湃,不断拍打着他的鞋子。

    Leaves blew from the trees , and the water roared and boiled as it crashed onto the shore .

  7. 当他们回家后,为了奖励狗儿,黛安娜掀开锅的盖子取了一根大骨头给它。

    When they returned home , to reward the dog , Diana lifted the lid of the lot and took out a big bone for him .

  8. 但是我告诉你,在底下空气就像炸开锅似的沸腾,就像进入热平原一样。

    But down here , I tell you , it 's just boiling , boiling . And it 's like I 'm entering these hot plains .

  9. 后来他在长沙五星级酒店通城国际大酒店得到了一份临时园务工人的工作,生活才勉强揭得开锅。

    So when he landed a job as a temporary gardener at the five-star Dolton Hotel Changsha , he was able to put food on the table .

  10. 希腊危机的热度终于开始有所下降,一个更大的债务隐患又似乎即将开锅。

    So on a day when the Greek crisis finally cools off a few degrees , we learn that a much bigger debt pot may start soon start boiling .

  11. 让酒保持热度而又不开锅,当你要看到有一些泡沫和一点蒸汽,就再次进行搅拌均匀。

    Leave the wine to warm to just under a simmer , which is when you should see some bubbles and a bit of steam rising . Stir well again .