
  1. ENSO事件中次表层海温距平在10°N附近向西传播的机理

    The mechanism of subsurface sea temperature anomaly transmitted westward about 10 ° n in ENSO Events

  2. 优喘平在老年性哮喘或慢性阻塞性肺患者体内的血药浓度监测

    TDM of protheo tablet in aged patients with asthma or COPD disease

  3. 变刚度调平在大型储罐基础设计中的应用

    Application of Stiffness Variation Leveling in Huge Storage Tank Design

  4. 名和晃平在日本京都生活和工作。

    Kohei Nawa lives and works in Kyoto , Japan .

  5. NCEP/NCAR再分析风速、表面气温距平在中国区域气候变化研究中的可信度分析

    Reliability analyses of anomalies of ncep / ncar reanalysis wind speed and surface temperature in climate change research in China

  6. 事实上,如果合资公司在未来几个月内重组、新的投资者攫取了华平在合资公司中的全部股份的话,那么华平集团几乎一定会赔钱。

    In fact , it would almost certainly lose money if the restructuring occurred within the next several months and new investors acquired all of Warburg Pincus ' position .

  7. 作为一名已事过境迁的进气平在一个较高的量的空气可以凉快很多,你的引擎能呼吸更容易与限制股票系统。

    As a cold air intake draws in a higher volume of air which may be much cooler , your engine can breathe easier than with a limiting stock system .

  8. 长焦距、大画幅、高分辨率的胶片式画幅遥感相机要求在给定的摄影周期内快速、精密地将胶片展平在片台上。

    It is required that the film in a aerial camera with long focus , wide frame and high resolution should be flattened on film board quickly and precisely during exposure time .

  9. 时任中国国家领空格导人的邓空格小空格平在一次对国家空格军委的演说中宣称,政治教育的缺失是造成动荡局面的原因。

    Deng Xiaoping , then China 's leader , declared in a speech to the nation 's military leadership that the cause of the unrest was that political education had been ignored .

  10. 名和晃平在他的素描、丝网印刷、装置和绘画作品中使用了各式各样的日常材料来质疑传统意义上雕塑中有关视觉与时间的种种边界。

    Kohei Nawa uses a wide range of every-day materials in his drawing , silk-screen , video , installation , and painting works to question the traditional visual and temporal boundaries of sculpture .

  11. 津巴布韦议题到底有多敏感,从让.平在星期五外长会议开幕致词可以看出,让.平的致词一开始对津巴布韦局势只字未提,直到快结束的最后一句话才提到,而这段话并没有在原先预备的讲稿中。

    In a sign of just how sensitive the issue is , Chairman Ping did not mention Zimbabwe 's political turmoil in his opening address to the summit Friday , except in a final sentence that did not appear in the prepared text .

  12. 他两只手平放在门上用尽全力推。

    He put both hands flat on the door and pushed as hard as he could

  13. 晴天时把胡萝卜挖出来,平放在装有湿沙的盒子里。

    Lift carrots on a dry day and pack them horizontally in boxes of damp sand .

  14. 其实他们不用真正用手掌击打桌面,只需将手掌轻轻平放在桌面上,以此作为一种暗示。向前伸出手掌,像棍子一样上下挥舞一番,然后他们心目中最重要的观点就顺利通过了。

    Without actually striking the tabletop , they just pronate their open palm -- flip it down , parallel to the table 's surface-and proffer , to drive home their most important ideas .

  15. 胸部CT平扫在诊断贫血中的价值

    Evaluation of Thoracic Plain CT Scan in the Diagnosis of Anemia

  16. 螺旋CT平扫在诊断输尿管结石中的应用

    Application of Helical CT in the Diagnosis of Ureteral Calculus

  17. 螺旋CT低剂量平扫在泌尿系结石中的应用价值

    Value of Low-dose Multi-slice CT in Application of Urinary Calculi

  18. 螺旋CT与X线平片在诊断髋关节创伤中的应用分析

    Application analysis of spiral computed tomography and X-ray plain film in diagnosis of hip joint trauma

  19. 螺旋CT及三维成像技术与常规CT平扫在肺部疾患应用中的对比研究

    Comparison study of helical CT scan , 3D image reconstruction and general CT scan in lung diseases

  20. 目的:研究抑毒调平液在2.2.15细胞培养中抗乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)作用。

    Objective : To study the anti-HBV activity of YiDuTiaoPingYe ( YDTP ) on cultured 2.2.15 cells .

  21. 目的:探讨全腹部CT平扫在诊断高密度粪石引起不完全性肠梗阻的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To explore the clinical application value of total abdomen CT s canning in incomplete intestinal obstruction due to high density of fecalith .

  22. 结论腹部CT平扫在诊断早期及延迟性脾脏损伤有其独特优势,而腹腔积血则在脾脏损伤诊断有重要的意义。

    Conclusion The abdominal plain CT scan is of unique value in diagnosing the early and delayed spleen injuries , while hemoperitoneum has great significance in it .

  23. 目的探讨低场MR平扫在肝细胞癌(HCC)的诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the diagnosis and differential diagnosis value of low-field MR plain scanning in hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) and hemangioma .

  24. 由于普通CT平扫在患者入院时并不能发现病灶,更不能判断缺血半暗带的存在,可是,灌注CT却可以做到这一点。

    As in patients with normal CT scan does not find lesions on admission , but can not determine the existence of ischemic penumbra , however , perfusion CT but can do this .

  25. 结果空间探索试验发现,模型组及双益平组在空间探索试验中的指标与正常青年组和正常老年组有显著差异性(P0.01或P0.05);

    Results In the interspace explore experiment , the significant differences were observed between the model , Hup-A treated groups and normal aged , young groups ( P0.01 or P0.05 );

  26. 目的:研究茶碱控释片(优喘平)在睡眠呼吸暂停(SAS)病人中的药物动力学。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the pharmacokinetics of a sustained release theophylline ( Protheo , Schering Plough , USA ) in 6 patients with sleep apnea syndrome ( SAS ) .

  27. 光束法平差在工业测量系统TSST中的应用

    The Bundle Adjustment Method and Its Application in TSST Industrial Measuring System

  28. 季平均3.2m地温距平场在汛期预报中的应用

    Seasonal mean soil temperature anomaly field at depth 3 2 m and its application in prediction for flood season

  29. 目前,世界上氧气转炉(包括LD法及其派生的新工艺)炼钢的产能在总粗钢产能中的比例似平稳定在60%左右。

    At present , the percentage of the steel productivity of oxygen converter , including LD and other related new technologies , to the total gross steel productivity seems to remain stably at ca , 60 % in the world .

  30. XperiaZ的扬声器位于底部边缘,即使将机身平放在桌面,也不会影响其全方位环绕立体声效。

    The Z 's speaker openings are smartly situated on the bottom and side edges , giving a full , surround-sound effect that doesn 't get muffled when you put it down on a table .