
  1. 平朔气煤DF5的组成特性及煤液体统计平均结构参数的相似性

    Component characteristic of Ping Shuo coal df_5 and similarity of statistical structural parameter of coal liquid

  2. 利用TG-DSC方法对平朔和神木灰样以及两者配煤灰样的熔融特性进行研究。

    The fusion processes of blending coal-ashes are studied in this paper by TG-DSC .

  3. 采用先进的X衍射仪对神木&平朔配煤的灰渣进行物相定量分析,结合沉降炉结渣特性试验,研究灰渣中矿物质对结渣的影响,获得了许多有价值的成果。

    In this paper , the advanced X-ray diffractometer was used to carried out quantitative analyses mineral matter in blended coals , combining with combustion test of drop furnace , influence of mineral matter on slagging characteristic was studied and larger amount of valuable achievements were obtained .

  4. 图为平朔安太堡露天煤矿。

    The picture shows Pingshuo Antaibao outdoor coal mine .

  5. 平朔生态工业园区的绿色产业链建设

    Pingshuo : the Green Ecological Industrial Park Construction

  6. 运用生态足迹法分析了平朔矿区2005年生态承载力状况;

    Ecological capacity of Pingshuo mining area in2005 was calculated through the ecological footprint analysis .

  7. 用硅胶色谱柱将平朔烟煤吡啶抽提物分离成八种不同馏分。

    Some fractions with low molecular weight have been obtained by silica gel chromatography separation of Pingshuo coal extracts .

  8. 平朔矿区从1985年开始投产,要经历近百年的开采,地表破坏剧烈,利用遥感技术可以监测这种变化。

    Pingshuo opencast mine started production in1985 , to undergo mining for centuries , the surface will be damaged severely .

  9. 利用该方法成功地解决了平朔矿区边坡下大巷稳定的问题。

    By this method , the issues of large roadway stability under slope in Pingshuo mining area can be successfully resolved .

  10. 介绍了中煤集团平朔矿区的煤层、煤质情况以及各选煤厂的洗选配煤设施及处理能力;

    Introduced were coal seams and quality in Pingshuo mine region of Zhongmei Group and its coal blending and cleaning facility and capacity ;

  11. 根据平朔安家岭露天矿工程实践,运用拉格朗日差分法分析了地下水及井采扰动情况下的边坡稳定状况。

    In this paper , which chose the Anjialing open-pit mine in Pingshuo as research object , Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua for slope stability analysis .

  12. 万家寨引黄工程主要为大同市、平朔区、太原市提供工业用水。

    Shanxi Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project ( the YRDP ) will mainly supply water for the industry in Datong City , Pingshuo District and Taiyuan City .

  13. 平朔矿区井工矿井的充水水源有第四系孔隙水及地表水、石炭&二叠系砂岩裂隙水、奥陶系灰岩岩溶裂隙水。

    Water filling sources of underground mine in Pingshuo mining area have Quaternary pore water , surface water , Permo-Carboniferous sandstone fissure water and Ordovician limestone karstic fissure water .

  14. 这其中就包括中煤平朔、华润电力低热值煤项目,这两个项目曾因空气污染遭环保部否决。

    Two of them , proposed by China Coal Pingshuo Group and China Resources Power Holdings , were previously shot down by the ministry due to concerns about air pollution .

  15. 为了解混煤燃烧对飞灰颗粒尤其是超细颗粒排放特性的影响,在一维沉降炉上对平朔、大优及神木3种烟煤及其混煤进行燃烧试验。

    In order to understand the effect of blended coal combustion on the emission of fly ash especially fine particles , combustion test was done for three bituminous coals and their blends in a drop tube furnace .