
  • 网络lateral move
  1. “平级调动”意味着要辞去全职工作。

    " A lateral move " means stepping out of full time employment .

  2. 确定是否要留在同一领域,转行或满足于一个平级调动,直到你退休。

    Determine whether you want to stay in the same field , entertain a career change or settle for a lateral move until your retirement .

  3. 约翰被平级调动到销售部门的一个岗位上。

    John was shunted sideways to a job in sales .

  4. 她的新工作只是平级调动。

    Her new job is just a sideways move .

  5. 他会被平级调动而不是降级。

    He would be moved sideways , rather than demoted .

  6. 调整岗位角色,或者平级调动,可能会更好。

    Tweaks to their role , or a sideways move , might be better .

  7. 他平级调动工作了。

    He has been moved sideways .

  8. 如果你并不处于公司的战略目标的中心区域,博伊森建议,你可以寻求平级调动,向中心地带靠拢,也可以要求参加有助于你接近中心区域的跨职能团队项目。

    If you 're not at the center of your company 's strategic aims , Poisson recommends asking for either a lateral move closer , or else an assignment to a cross-functional team project that will get you there .

  9. 德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte)便在公司内部和客户中推广一种不同于“职业阶梯”的理念:即“职业网格”,这个比喻指的便是目前兴起的平级岗位调动或斜向岗位调动。

    Deloitte has popularized the notion , both in-house and with clients , of a " career lattice " rather than a " career ladder " & a metaphor for the often sideways or diagonally up-or-down directions in which careers move today .