
  • 网络advertising;Print;print advertising;print ad
  1. 包括电视广告,平面广告以及以专业易于赛事为目标。

    These included television ads , print ads , and targeting of professional sporting events .

  2. 平面广告主要由品牌、图片、文案三大要素组成。

    Print ads are composed mainly by three elements : brand , picture and text .

  3. 虽然传统的“付费”(paid)媒介,比如电视和广播广告、平面广告和路边广告牌等,仍然扮演着重要角色,但企业如今还可以利用许多其他形式的媒介。

    While traditional " paid " media – such as television commercials and print advertisements – still play a major role , companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media .

  4. 事实上,无论被访者属于25~34岁、35~44岁还是45岁以上年龄组,Facebook的排名均落后于平面广告、客户服务短消息以及电子邮件新闻信等方式。

    In fact , Facebook ranked lower than the print ad , customer service instant messaging and the email newsletter , whether the demographic surveyed was 25-34 , 35-44 , or 45-plus .

  5. 2008年,三星(Samsung)曾发布过一份平面广告,画面上是一对身段灵活的年轻情侣,他们将山地车停在一条森林公路旁,正在照顾一只受伤的小鹿。

    In 2008 , Samsung ran a print advertisement picturing a lissome young couple next to a forest road . They have dismounted from their mountain bikes to tend to an injured young deer .

  6. 所以Google做了很多方面的努力,他们兼并了YouTube,他们希望为电台电视和报纸做广告,试图进军平面广告领域。

    they have multiple products , they have multiple hits , and so Google is doing a lot of things , it owns YouTube , it 's trying to do advertising for radio and for television and for newspapers , it 's trying to get into this plate advertising .

  7. 这个多渠道的宣传攻势结合了电视、网络和平面广告,主要由总部位于纽约的广告代理商盛世公司(SaatchiandSaatchi)设计,成本预计为1亿美元。

    That multi-channel effort , a combination of action-heavy TV , web , and print advertising , was designed largely by the new York-based ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi and cost an estimated $ 100 million .

  8. Soho沸城房地产广告改写了成都房地产销售周期的历史记录,该广告主要采用平面广告,整体画面以红色为基调,视觉冲击力大,概念简洁,设计唯美。

    Soho advertisement at Boiling City has revised the historical record of the sales cycling period of Chengdu 's real estate . The ad is made in one plane , its basic colour red , with a strong visual impact , concise concept and aesthetic designs .

  9. 平面广告图文关系分析框架:锚定-接力连续轴的概念

    Continuum of Anchorage-Relay : Analysis of Pictorial-Verbal Relationship in Print Advertisement

  10. 浅析数字影像在平面广告中的处理原则

    Analysis the Principle of Disposing Digital Images in Graphic Ad Design

  11. 世界平面广告设计精选&特殊招贴广告类

    World Graphic Design Selection of Advertisement & Category of Special POP

  12. 流行元素在平面广告设计中的应用研究

    " Popular Element " in Plane Advertisement Design Applied Research

  13. 世界平面广告设计精选&银行金融保险类

    Selection of International Graphic Design of Bank , Finance and Insurance Category

  14. 世界平面广告设计精选&商业公共服务类

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Category of Commercial Public Service

  15. 平面广告文案版式设计的实验心理学研究

    An experimental psychological research on text design and layout of print advertising

  16. 这一点正是平面广告创意活动的关键所在。

    It is the key of the originality of the planar advertisement .

  17. 论创意产业中平面广告的创意

    On Creative Ideas in Graphic Advertisements of the Creative Industry

  18. 探讨隐喻性夸饰技法平面广告的相关情形。

    Explore the metaphorical techniques liquidates the related case of print advertisement .

  19. 数码摄影在当代平面广告中的运用研究

    Study on Application of Digital Photography on Contemporary Plane Advertisement

  20. 论平面广告设计中的产品氛围

    On the " Product Atmosphere " in Graphic Ad Design

  21. 国外对平面广告受众注意心理的眼动研究

    Researches on Consumers ' Visual Attention to Print Advertisements Using Eye-Tracking Methodology

  22. 论平面广告中情爱图形的应用

    Talk About the Application of the Love Graph in the Graphic Advertisement

  23. 世界平面广告设计精选&家庭用品类

    Selection of World Graphic Design for Advertisement & Household Objects

  24. 平面广告是广告的一个种类,平面广告的图形语言与文案一起,组织起广告作品的整个版面,在广告信息传播中发挥着独特的作用。

    Plane-advertisement plays a unique role in advertising information media .

  25. 试谈平面广告中广告主体的市场分析与设计创意的实现

    On Market Analysis and Realization of Design Creativity in Plane Advertisement Subject

  26. 服装品牌平面广告诉求构成因素的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Appeal Brand Print Advertisement Appeal Component Factor

  27. 从广州日报杯看我国平面广告创意的提升

    Beholding the progress Of Chinese plane Ad Creation from Guangzhou Daily Cup

  28. 去年11月,Vogue.com请一些大码模特拍摄了一个内衣平面广告。

    In November , Vogue.com shot a lingerie spread using plus-size models .

  29. 平面广告是品牌与受众进行沟通的桥梁。

    Print advertisements are the bridge connecting enterprises and consumers .

  30. 世界平面广告设计精选&Absolut20年专辑

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Special Collection for Absolut 20