
  • 网络Graphic Design
  1. 平面艺术设计中的形式美认识与探讨

    On Formal Beauty in Graphic Design

  2. 摘要聋人装潢专业主要从事平面的艺术设计与研究。

    The deaf 's upholstery studied the artistic design and research of plane mainly .

  3. 这种设计艺术处理包括四个方面:一是指作为对普通意义上的平面的艺术设计;

    It mainly refers to aspects included as follows : plane art design in common sense ;

  4. 平面构成是艺术设计专业的基础课程之一。

    Plane composition is one of the basic courses about the Art Design major .

  5. 论平面艺术玻璃的设计与应用

    On Design and Application of Graphic Art Glass

  6. 第三章与第四章,分别从平面设计以及环境艺术设计各自所包含的范畴进行视觉导向的研究。

    The third chapter with a chapter 4 , respectively from the plane design and environmental art design each contains categories of visual direction .