
  1. 希望你们平安健康归来。

    So you boys can come home safe and sound .

  2. 我祝愿中国人民平安健康。

    I wish all of the people in China peace and healing .

  3. 我希望他们能够好起来,平安健康的度过灾难!

    I hope they can get better , safe and healthy through disaster !

  4. 我们都我才你也是我们都希望他平安健康

    well , and we all , I guess you know , I think we wish him well and health

  5. 最后,让我门一起举杯,遥祝远方的亲人平安健康,也祝愿我们在座的各位&中秋佳节快乐!

    At last , let 's toast the health of our families and friends , as well as everybody here .

  6. 2004年人保健康、平安健康、昆仑健康等5家专业健康保险公司获准筹建。

    In 2004,5 professional health insurance companies including PICC Health Insurance Co. Ltd. , Ping An Health Insurance Co. Ltd are allowed to build .

  7. 我还是想要一份生日礼物,那就是家人平安健康,幸福快乐。

    And I want another birthday gift is " all my family will be happy and healthy , all my friends will be chuffed " .

  8. 然而,自2005年人保健康、平安健康等专业健康险公司成立以来,健康险公司不进反退仅剩4家,市场份额极小。

    However , since the establishment of PICC Health Insurance Co. Ltd. in 2005 , health insurance companies do not enter but retreat only 4 , holding very small market share .

  9. 孩子出生一周后,将在一个雪松制成的木盆里由一位大臣为其洗礼,同时会有人大声诵读以传统的中国文体写成的保佑孩子平安健康的祷文。

    A week later , the baby will be ritually bathed in a cedar tub by a courtier while auspicious texts , written in classic Chinese literary style and wishing it good health and fortune , are read aloud .

  10. 有阳光照耀的地方就有我默默的祝福,当月光洒向地球的时候就有我默默的祈祷,当流星划过的刹那我许了个愿:祝你平安健康,新年快乐!

    Where there is sunshine , there I silently blessing to the earth when moonlight there I pray in a moment , when the meteor , I made a wish , wish you are safe and healthy , happy New Year !

  11. 本篇论文分析了平安健康险有限公司运营部工作汇报的口译案例。这是平安各机构经理、代表人与中籍、外籍高管进行为期两天的座谈会的一系列会议之一。

    This paper is about the study of the interpretation case in Ping An Health insurance company , which is about the work report of PAH operational department in the meeting of a two-day seminar attended by branches ' managers , senior executives and expats .

  12. 看到他平安,健康,我就放心了。

    I 'm just glad he 's safe and sound .

  13. 祝你假期温暖、平安、健康。

    Stay warm , safe and healthy during the holidays !

  14. 愿你我拥有幸福,平安,健康!

    Wish you and me stay with happiness , safety , and good health .

  15. 愿平安,健康,财富和幸福快乐永远追随着你和家人!

    May the peace , health , wealth and happiness follow you and your family all the years !

  16. 为此,平安团体健康保险应主要采取以品牌化为目标的创新策略。

    For this reason , safe group 's health insurance should take taking brand as goal innovative tactics mainly .

  17. 于是,中国传统社会的庙宇、神灵充斥于绥远人民的日常生活中,成为他们追求平安、健康、富足理想不可或缺的精神支柱。

    Thus the temple and the gods of the traditional Chinese society flooded the daily life of Suiyuan people . As their spiritual support of pursuing peace , health and wealth , and the spiritual support was important and Indispensable .

  18. 宜居重庆、畅通重庆、森林重庆、平安重庆、健康重庆

    Livable Chongqing , Traffic-Smooth Chongqing , Forest Chongqing , Safe Chongqing , Healthy Chongqing

  19. 平安保险公司团体健康保险产品策略研究

    The Study of Products Strategy of Group Health Insurance of PICA

  20. 每一年的今天,都是一个全新的开始,任世事变幻,时光流转幸福、平安、快乐、健康永远伴随你左右!

    Every year , today , is a fresh start , he was the world changes , the circulation time of happiness , peace , happiness , health Forever with you around !

  21. 守住婚姻的安全、守住平安、守住家人平安健康很不容易的。

    It 's rather difficult to keep marriage safe , maintain security and family 's safety and healthy .