
nián lǜ
  • annual rate;rate per annum
年率[nián lǜ]
  1. 第三季度,美国GDP折合年率仅增长了半个百分点。

    The gross domestic product expanded by a meager 0.5 percent annual rate in the three months ending in September .

  2. 广义货币供应量(m2)已经在以接近15%的年率增长。

    The broad money supply ( M2 ) is already increasing at an annual rate of nearly 15 per cent .

  3. 美国第二季度GDP的下降百分比已经被修正到了年率1%。

    America 's GDP growth rate was revised down to1 % at an annualised rate in the second quarter .

  4. 美国第三季度GDP按年率计算收缩0.3%的消息公布后,大多数经济学家都预计,经济负增长局面至少还会持续两个季度。

    Following the release of a0.3 % contraction in third-quarter GDP at an annual rate , most economists are forecasting at least two more negative quarters .

  5. 据澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团(AustraliaandNewZealandBankingGroup)的大中华区首席经济学家刘利刚估计,中国企业的实际贷款利率高於10%的年率。

    Li-Gang Liu , the chief economist for greater China at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group , estimates that real borrowing rates for Chinese companies are over 10 percent per year .

  6. 将GDP的季度变化以经季节调整的年率化形式表达出来,这已经是包括美国在内的大部分其他国家的官方数据的基础了。

    Presenting the quarterly change in GDP at a seasonally adjusted annual rate is already the basis for official figures in most other countries , including the U.

  7. 同时,也对今年第一季度的GDP数据进行了向下修正,从折合年率增长1%修正至0.9%。

    A small downward revision was also made to GDP in the first quarter of this year , which was reduced to a 0.9 per cent annual rate from 1 per cent .

  8. 一些分析人士认为,美国在第二季度偏弱的GDP增长率(折年率2.4%)可能代表经济二次衰退的开始。

    Some forecasters believe that America 's disappointing GDP growth in the second quarter , 2.4 % at an annualised rate , could be the start of a slide towards a second recession .

  9. 在192个单核苷酸缺失突变中,含U单链基因突变系统和经典噬菌体M13单链突变系统均准确完成缺失突变,两种方法的突变年率分别为6%和1%左右。

    The designed deletion was completed by means of the U-containing system and phage M13 system , with efficiency of 6 % and 1 % respectively .

  10. 汇丰中国区首席经济学家屈宏斌表示,强劲的pmi数据及出口增长表明,今年第一季度,中国经济将以11%的年率化速度增长。

    Qu Hongbin , China chief economist at HSBC , said the robust PMI numbers and export growth suggested that the Chinese economy would grow at an annualised rate of 11 per cent in the first quarter this year .

  11. 万宝路(Marlboro)向来位列前十,在过去五年内,它的品牌价值平均以10%的复合年率增长。

    Marlboro , ever present in the top 10 , has seen its brand value grow at an average compound annual rate of 10 per cent over the past five years .

  12. 这被称为O2O,或者“线上到线下”,瑞信(CreditSuisse)预计,O2O从现在起到2017年将以63%的复合年率增长,将达到420亿元人民币规模。

    It 's called O2O , or " online to offline " , and is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 63 per cent between now and 2017 , to Rmb42bn , according to Credit Suisse .

  13. ihscera指数显示,去年第三季度,上游工业(即油气生产)的成本仍在以19%的年率增长,而下游炼制工业则在以12%的速度增长。

    In the third quarter , costs were still rising at annual rates of 19 per cent in the upstream industry oil and gas production and 12 per cent in the downstream refining industry , the IHS Cera Index said .

  14. 新房销售量经季节调整按年率计算为47.6万套。

    New homes are selling at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 476000 .

  15. 根据上述分析,建议我国林业行业的基准贴现率选用年率5%。

    It is suggested that China basic discount rate select annual interest rate-5 % .

  16. 总建筑开支经季节调整按年率计算仅略低于9100亿美元。

    Total construction reached a seasonally adjusted rate of just under 901 billion dollars .

  17. 1997年率莱切斯特队获得英超第9,还赢得联赛杯冠军。

    Leicester win League Cup , beating Middlesbrough in replay . Finish ninth in league .

  18. 这致使仅仅今年七月份猪肉价格以265%的年率上升了11.4%。

    That pushed up prices by 11.4 % in June alone , an annualised rate of 265 % .

  19. 在过去6个月,按年率计算,美国只增长了0.8%。

    Over the past six months the United States has eked out annualised growth of merely 0.8 % .

  20. 公元196年率军进驻京城洛阳,“挟天子以令诸侯”。

    A.d.196 years commanding the army enters national capital Luo yang ," controls the political situation using emperor " .

  21. 2009年第一季度,美国企业实际库存折合年率下降1040亿美元,达到了创纪录的水平。

    Real US business inventories fell at a record $ 104bn annualised pace in the first quarter of 2009 .

  22. 果不出所料,发达经济体的增长年率由3%变为了2%。

    Almost on cue , developed economies are experiencing 2 per cent instead of 3 per cent annual growth .

  23. 几十年率先农村改革的探索和实践,有许多宝贵的启示。

    The probe and practice of countryside reform ahead of decades of years give Anhui people much precious enlightenment .

  24. 按年率计算,今年第一季度的能源消费量增速已上升至15%。

    In the first quarter of this year , energy consumption rose at the annualised rate of 15 per cent .

  25. 在危机之前,经济学家习惯性地认为,美国经济能够一成不变地以3%的年率增长。

    Pre-crisis , economists routinely thought the US economy could expand at a 3 per cent annual rate in perpetuity .

  26. 当美国汽车业以年率计算的销量超过1000万辆(5月份的数据)时,新通用汽车就应该会实现盈利。

    New GM should make a profit when the industry 's US annual sales exceed 10m , the run-rate in May .

  27. 经济开始复苏以来,各季消费年率化增长都没有超过2%。

    Consumption has not grown faster than an annualised rate of 2 per cent in any quarter since the recovery began .

  28. 美国商业部表示,上个月新房销售下降了7.3%,经季节性调整后按年率计算为369000套。

    The Commerce Department says new home sales fell 7.3 % last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 369000 .

  29. 在连续几个月增长后,8月份房屋销量意外下跌2.7%,折合年率为510万套。

    After rising four months in a row , August home re-sales fell unexpectedly by 2.7 % to 5.1 million annual sales .

  30. 按年率计算(仅考虑股价变化),家得宝公司也以9.7%的收益水平远超标准普尔500指数的4.3%。

    On an annualized basis ( share-price change only ) Home Depot stock clocks the SP , 9.7 % to 4.3 % .