- annual ring;growth ring

[annual ring] 树木在一年内生长所产生的一个层,它出现在横断面上好像一个(或几个)轮,围绕着过去产生的同样的一些轮
The recent 600 year temperature sequence in Western China rebuild using the EOF iterative formulae of tree annual ring data
The growing model of the larch cell in a annual ring
The annual-rings represent the amount of wood formed each year .
When the tree is cut down , you can see a series of rings in the wood extending from the centre of the trunk to the bark .
Scientists reconstructed the major climate events of the past 2000 years by looking at around 700 records , including tree rings , ice cores and lake sediments2 .
A quantitative explanation of the juvenile effects of tree-ring δ ~ ( 13 ) C
Auto-numerating device for X-ray photographic plate of annual rings in wood
The distribution of the moisture content of each growth ring in wood using X-ray densitometry
Analysis on the Relationship Between Tree-Growth and Ecology Environment by ~ ( 13 ) C / ~ ( 12 ) C Ratios of Tree Ring Cellulose
Preliminary study on the records of climatic effect in tree ring using ESR method
Determination of heavy metals in tree-rings of pine trees by ICP-MS
In this paper , the moisture content and its distribution of each growth ring in air dried wood specimens have been tested by using X-ray scanning densitometer .
The Ng of wood was prominently influenced by the period of sunspot activity and it varies with the solar period , but the values of peak and valley have been preacted 2-3 years or postponed .
The experimental results showed that material 25 mm thick can be dried to 6 percent moisture content in 1-4 hours .
In northern subtropical region , the relationship between masson pine tree-ring width and forest NDVI was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .
The historical dynamics of concentrations of heavy metal in street tree rings in Nanjing , China Determination of Contents of Many Kinds of Metal Elements in Phellodendron by ICP-AES
This conclusion is of great importance to the application of tree ring δ 13 C in the reconstruction of the historical variation of environmental CO 2 and δ a.
The present studying situation on the correlation between radial growth and environment pollution together with atmospheric CO 2 concentration were summarized . The progress on abnormal climate environment variable influencing tree rings was discussed .
The two δ 13 C series recorded the declining trend of δ 13 C due to the increasing concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere , but with different response .
Chronologies of different diameter classes in the same site were significantly correlated ( P0.01 ) . 2 ) Growth of P. tabulaeformis in all sites were positively correlated to precipitation and negatively correlated to temperature in summer .
Reconstruction of Precipitation in the Recent 350 a from Tree-Rings in the Middle Tianshan Mountains
We first use Matlab software to read tree-ring image and convert the image to a gray-scale image . Then , we process the gray-scale image with image enhancement to eliminate the image noise . Finally , the ring lines can be extracted from the image .
Tree_ring widths are significantly correlated with some climatic factors , such as temperature , precipitation , solar radiation and increasing atmospheric CO 2 . Temperature is found to be an important climatic factor for the growth of trees in arid and semiarid regions .
Based on the simple growth rings model and the Fick diffusion law , the component concentration functions were evolved . And another method was tried through the solution of the second Fick diffusion law .
The tree growth-ring proxy data are employed to analyze the precipitation trend by Wavelet analysis and singular spectrum analysis method in the central Shaanxi area from May to June in next 20 years .
At the same ring tracheid length and length-width ratio increase progressively from the base upward , maximize at 3.3m and 5.3m , and then decrease to the top of the tree .
Thirty three trees from a seventeen years old plantation of Chinese tulip tree ( Liriodendron chinense ) in Fenyi county , Jiangxi Province were randomly selected , and their basic density , and fiber length of each growth ring for the increment core samples at breast height were measured .
A Study of Annual Rings in Tree Bark and Their Significance
Methods of ice core tree - ring and historical writing ;
I do not know life , how long can ring ?