
xìnɡ cún zhě
  • survivor;survival
  1. 或许能找到一个幸存者,这不是没有可能。

    It is just conceivable that a single survivor might be found

  2. 在直升机紧急迫降时,一名幸存者被撞昏过去。

    A survivor was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched .

  3. 他们已不抱希望再找到幸存者了。

    They have given up hope of finding any more survivors .

  4. 两名幸存者受困二十分钟后才被解救出来。

    Two survivors were cut free after being trapped for twenty minutes .

  5. 许多幸存者都有内疚感。

    Many survivors were left with a sense of guilt .

  6. 沉船的幸存者被直升机营救脱险。

    Survivors of the wreck were plucked to safety by a helicopter .

  7. 救援队伍正利用热成像确定地震幸存者的位置。

    Rescue teams are using thermal imaging to locate survivors of the earthquake .

  8. 从废墟中扒出了几个幸存者。

    A few survivors were pulled from the wreckage .

  9. 幸存者由直升机运往安全的地方。

    The survivors were lifted to safety by helicopter .

  10. 雪崩的幸存者中有12名英国人。

    The survivors of the avalanche included 12 Britons .

  11. 幸存者中有一位英国妇女。

    A British woman was among the survivors .

  12. 消防队员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者。

    Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors .

  13. 消防队员把幸存者带到了安全的地方。

    Firefighters led the survivors to safety .

  14. 早先的报道无法证实是否有幸存者。

    Earlier reports were unable to confirm that there were any survivors

  15. 他们通过无线电证实她在营救幸存者。

    They confirmed by wireless that she was picking up survivors .

  16. 5位幸存者最终到达安全之地时已经衣衫褴褛、饥肠辘辘、精疲力尽。

    The five survivors eventually reached safety , ragged , half-starved and exhausted .

  17. 幸存者围聚着篝火过了夜。

    The survivors spent the night huddled around bonfires .

  18. 幸存者每人得到3万美元,作为对他们所受损失的补偿。

    Survivors were given $ 30,000 each to help compensate for their losses .

  19. 我们向无家可归的地震幸存者捐献了一笔钱。

    We contributed a sum of money to the homeless survivors of the earthquake .

  20. 她创建了一个网站页面,将需要帮助的幸存者与想要帮助的捐赠者进行匹配。

    She created a website page matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help .

  21. 这次飞机失事中只有一名幸存者。

    There was only one survivor of the plane crash .

  22. 一个水手是船只失事后唯一的幸存者。

    A sailor was the only survivor .

  23. 紧紧抓住救生筏的幸存者

    survivors clinging to a raft

  24. 许多公司捐赠食品和药品来帮助地震幸存者,但与所需物资相比这只是杯水车薪。

    Many companies donated food and medicine to help the survivors1 of the earthquake , but it was just a drop in the ocean of what was needed .

  25. 然后这些幸存者被蒸馏成代表其适应性的数字,并存入weights数组里该幸存者所对应的位置。

    The survivors are then distilled to their fitness numbers , which get put in their places in the weights array .

  26. 方法:研究对象为43名入院治疗的应激障碍(SD)患者和44名适应良好的创伤幸存者(TS)。

    Methods : Participants were 43 patients with stress disorder ( SD ) and 44 well - adjusted trauma survivors ( TS ) .

  27. 而且,可供投资的企业也具有“幸存者偏差”,大多数有前途的初创企业仍会选择传统的VC。

    Moreover , the pool of available investments will have negative survivor bias & since many of the most promising startups still will go to traditional VCs .

  28. 哈佛大学(Harvard)附属癌症中心将通过让乳腺癌幸存者输入他们的体能水平和情绪信息,来评估化疗的长期影响。

    A Harvard-affiliated cancer centre will measure the long-term effects of chemotherapy by asking breast cancer survivors to input information about their energy levels and mood .

  29. 据美国“生活科学”网5月18日报道,这些幸存者是人们在哥伦比亚境内的山脉中发现的。它们或许是最后一批仅存于世的油彩蛙(paintedfrog)。

    The survivors , discovered in the mountains of Columbia , might be the last holdouts of the painted frog ( Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei ) .

  30. 目的:探讨爆炸事故幸存者发生PTSD的影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the influential factors about survivors of explosion event on happening post - traumatic stress .