
  • Lucky Star;ascendent
  1. 我早就说过他是你的幸运星。

    I have long said that he is your lucky star .

  2. 永恒的爱属于彼此;在我心中你是幸运星。

    YOU are the Lucky star in my heart .

  3. 回到你的生活吧感谢你的幸运星

    Go on back to your life and thank your lucky stars

  4. 他是他们的幸运星,是我们的噩梦。

    He was good for them and a nightmare for us .

  5. 我想我的幸运星每天都在为我做的一切闪耀。

    I think my lucky stars everyday for everything that I have .

  6. 介绍一下这位可爱的女士,她可是我的幸运星。

    I want you to introduce this lovely young woman .

  7. 一千颗幸运星给你,让好运着你!

    1000 ascendents give you , lets the good luck revolve you !

  8. 他们向他们的幸运星表达了感激之情,然后开始适应他们的全新生活方式。

    They thanked their lucky stars and adapted to their new lifestyles .

  9. 你想成为我的幸运星!

    U want to be my lucky star !

  10. 我会是你的幸运星。

    I 'll be your good luck charm .

  11. 你是我的幸运星吗?

    Will you be my lucky star ?

  12. 你是我们的幸运星!

    You 're our lucky star !

  13. 幸运星难船救捞工程

    " Lucky star " wreck rescue

  14. 如果你抓住你的每次机会,你就能成为快乐幸运星。

    If you take every chance you get , you can be a happy and lucky person .

  15. 我也是你的幸运星

    You are my lucky star

  16. 在失业率大多数有史的最高的,大多数人正在被聘用而感谢的幸运星。

    With the unemployment rate at an all time high , most people are thanking their lucky stars to be employed .

  17. 于是你急着去做安排。多亏了你命里的幸运星,你那位上了年纪的爸爸才依然能享受生活,并进行新的冒险。

    You hustle to make plans , and thank your lucky stars that an aging father is still able to enjoy life and tackle new adventures .

  18. 如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

    If you feel lonely far away from home , look up at the stars in the sky , where there is a star for luck that I ' 've send you .

  19. 找到它了!那个新朋友一点是我的幸运之星!

    Found it ! The new friend must be the lucky star for me .

  20. 顺着这条线过去就能找到我们的幸运之星,找到那些金银财宝。

    Right up there is our line for the Pole Star and the jolly dollars .

  21. 多亏我们的幸运之星,我们生活在银河系一个相对平静的角落里。

    Thank your lucky stars you live in a relatively peaceful corner of the galaxy .

  22. 谁是我的幸运之星?

    Who is my Lucky Star ?

  23. 我的幸运之星,你能告诉我怎样去烈士公园吗?

    My lucky of star , how can you tell me to go to the martyr park ?

  24. 小时候,我看少儿科幻小说《幸运之星和金星海洋》时非常激动。

    As a kid , I thrilled to tales of adventure and Isaac as most juvenile science fiction novel , Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus .

  25. 木星,幸运之星,自从一月进入你的浪漫宫后一直是孤单单的,现在有了水星和天王星助阵,推动事情的发展。

    Jupiter , planet of luck has been on his own in your romantic sector since he arrived in January , with Mercury and Uranus here to get things moving .

  26. 我该感谢幸运之星让我的孩子在廉价手提电脑及手机向小学生普及的年代之前降生于世,不然的话,我们连当年那些美好的日子都不曾拥有。

    I should thank my lucky stars we had our children before the age of cheap laptops and mobile phones for primary school children , otherwise we might never have known those times .

  27. 他不能在黑暗经盲目工作,不知道自己要创造什么,不能碰运气,不能相信自己人才的幸运之星能创造出可取的美好的东西。

    He could not work blindly , in the dark , ignorant of what he was producing and trusting to chance and the star of his genius that the effect produced should be right and fine .

  28. 幸运的是,一颗幸运星不期而至,成龙,作为章子怡和王力宏的好朋友来探了班也看见了严峻的局势。

    Fortunately , a lucky star for them came unexpectedly , as Jackie Chan , a close friend of Zhang and Wang , visited the set and saw their dire situation .

  29. 奇迹就是幸运的事故;令人振奋的兆头;有利于要求提升的时机;幸运星;有利于做出决定的时机。

    Miracles are auspicious accidents ; encouraging omens ; a favorable time to ask for a raise ; lucky stars ; a prosperous moment to make a decision .