
  • 网络The Shoes of Fortune;THE GOLOSHES OF FORTUNE;The Goloshes ofFortune
  1. 你的套鞋带给了人间什么幸福?&解读安徒生的《幸运的套鞋》

    What Happiness Have Your Goloshes Brought to men ? & How to Read The Goloshes of Fortune by Andersen ;

  2. 醉心于汉斯的朝代的司法官克那卜想要回家去。事情凑巧得很:他没有穿上自己的套鞋,而穿上了幸运的套鞋。

    Councillor Knap , deeply occupied with the times of King Hans , intended to go home , and malicious Fate managed matters so that his feet , instead of finding their way to his own galoshes , slipped into those of Fortune .