
  • 网络the story of a mother
  1. 有时候她还会给我讲一个有关她的童年或她母亲的故事。

    Or sometimes she 'd tell me a story about her childhood or her mother .

  2. 母亲的故事


  3. 畅销书《中国式离婚》的作者王海鸰会在她的微博上转述一些催婚母亲的故事。

    The best-selling author Wang Hailing , who wrote " Divorce with Chinese Characteristics , " relays stories of pushy mothers on her micro-blog .

  4. 奥巴马听完母亲的故事和父亲在那儿的生活后,就到了公共图书馆阅读有关东非的书。

    After listening to his mother talk about Kenya and his father 's life there , Barry visited the public library and read a book on East Africa .

  5. 母亲节的故事

    The Story of Mother 's Da

  6. 例如,汉文帝为母亲尝汤药的故事告诉我们西汉文帝的孝道。

    For example , the story of " Taste Liquid Medicine for Mother " tells us the filial virtue of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty .

  7. 玛雅说,不仅是母亲所说的故事帮助塑造了他们的为人,父母所做的比他们所说的更重要。

    It wasn 't just her mother 's tales that shaped who she and her brother have become . Soetoro-Ng says what parents do is more important than what they say .

  8. 有趣的是,贾玲“孝顺”的方式比较特别,她虚构了一个穿越时空的故事,来讲述母亲1981年的爱情故事。

    Interestingly , the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother 's love story set in 1981 .

  9. 我母亲在听完我的故事后,有时会忧心忡忡地,像是对我说,又像是自言自语:儿啊,你长大后会成为一个什么人呢?

    Sometimes , after my mother had listened to one of my stories , she 'd ask in a care-laden voice , almost as if to herself : What will you be like when you grow up , son ? Might you wind up prattling for a living one day ?

  10. 小说主要有两位叙述者和两种不同的叙述视角:一个是代表着中国男权文化的新女性&母亲,一个是深受母亲的中国故事影响而又成功地融入了美国社会文化的我;

    New woman representing Chinese male culture & mother , the other is I who is deeply influenced by the Chinese stories told by mother and merged into the American social culture ;

  11. 女儿们在经历了同化过程中的辛酸和痛苦之后,最终开始认同母亲,并静下心来倾听母亲的故事,从而接受中国文化。

    Accordingly , the daughters , after their failure in full assimilation into American culture , finally come to identify with their mothers , listening to their stories and embracing Chinese culture .