
  • 网络mothers;motherhood
  1. 母亲们一般让婴儿平躺着睡。

    Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep .

  2. 是那些年纪较长的女士和年轻的母亲们教训了所有那些捣蛋鬼。

    It was the older women and young mothers who sorted all the troublemakers out

  3. 在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。

    In one room , young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps .

  4. 母亲们也可能误以为宝宝哭是因为肚子饿了。

    Mothers may also misread signals and think the baby is crying because he is hungry .

  5. 部长明显地暗示政府正在考虑对母亲们实行税收减免。

    The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers

  6. 母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。

    Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed .

  7. 调查还询问了母亲们,她们所面临的挑战,其中80%的人将情感需求视为做母亲最难的事情。

    It also asked mothers about the challenges they face , with 80 percent making emotional demand as the hardest thing about motherhood .

  8. 为了计算母亲们从这项劳动中能挣多少钱,报告提出了一些母亲们可以担任的角色,包括管家、兼职律师、私人教练和艺人。

    To calculate just how much mothers would earn from that labour , it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on , including housekeeper , part-time lawyer , personal trainer and entertainer .

  9. 母亲们早就知道,她们在家的工作量和带薪工作一样重。现在有新的研究表明,如果为母亲们的劳动支付工资,她们每年的收入将高达17.2万英镑。

    Mothers have long known that their home workload was just as heavy as paid work . Now , the new study has shown that if they were paid for their parental labours , they would earn as much as £ 172,000 a year .

  10. 附近的母亲们都为祖克曼先生的秋千担心。

    Mothers for miles around worried about Zuckerman ’ s swing .

  11. 母亲们了解分娩时的痛苦。

    Mothers know the travail of giving birth to a child .

  12. 带着孩子的疲惫不堪的母亲们

    harassed mothers with their children

  13. 这个计划还希望建立健康制度,使得母亲们以及其他成年人能接受艾滋病和hiv的检查和治疗。

    The program also hopes to build health systems so that mothers and other adults can receive tests and treatment for AIDS and HIV .

  14. 还有很多这些菲律宾母亲们通过Skype来了解她们的孩子们。

    and how much these mothers are engaged with their children through Skype .

  15. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)正在采用这种广告手法,以期赢得母亲们的注意。

    Procter & Gamble ( PG ) is following that recipe by appealing to mothers .

  16. 因此,乌干达人民为其母亲们和妇女在90年代成立了相关项目和其他咨询检测中心,目的在于对抗不断上升的阳性HIV病率。

    Hence , they have made programs for mothers and women since 1990s and other Counseling and Testing Centers in order to fight the increasing ratio of HIV positive .

  17. 这些书没有详述本杰明·斯波克(BenjaminSpock)1946年给母亲们的伟大忠告:相信自己。

    These books don 't expand on Benjamin Spock 's great 1946 injunction to mothers to trust themselves ;

  18. 去年,graziadio商学院针对重返职场的年轻母亲们推出早间mba项目。

    Last year Graziadio launched a morning MBA programme geared towards young mothers returning to the workplace .

  19. ingeneral大多数例句为了研究自然科学和社会科学领域的问题,总是首先使用分析化学。参考翻译:这么多年来,母亲们和美国女性一般都更加独立,越来越多的人进入工作市场。

    Over the years , as mothers and American women in general became more independent , more and more of them entered the job market . : In order to investigate problem in the field of both nature andd social sciences , an analytical approach is in general first used .

  20. 普罗拉特卡的竞争对手美多拉克实验室(MedolacLaboratories)去年称,公司希望从底特律的母亲们那里购买人乳,结果被控告为损害黑人妇女利益而牟利。

    When Medolac Laboratories , a competitor of Prolacta , said last year that it wanted to buy milk from women in Detroit , it was accused of profiting at the expense of black women .

  21. angie这个账号,那时她发的就是些母亲们经常发的东西:女儿在公园的照片,女儿吃早饭的照片。

    Back then she was posting the typical stuff you see from moms on Instagram -- pics of her daughter at the park and pics of her daughter eating breakfast .

  22. 几年前我在instagram上关注了@2sistersangie这个账号,那时她发的就是些母亲们经常发的东西:女儿在公园的照片,女儿吃早饭的照片。

    I started following @ 2sisters_angie a little over a year ago . Back then she was posting the typical stuff you see from moms on Instagram & pics of her daughter at the park and pics of her daughter eating breakfast .

  23. 由于母亲们能得到更好的工作,因此家庭生活会更臻美满。

    Home life is better because mothers can get better jobs .

  24. 他们对母亲们和婴儿们所做的一切都做了笔记。

    They took notes on everything the mothers and babies did .

  25. 要是对母亲们进行评价,你当立于最佳母亲之列。

    As mothers are judged , you stand with the best .

  26. 她得出结论:主要是由于母亲们发现女孩子在家里更有用。

    It is largely because mothers find girls useful at home .

  27. 与购买的礼物相比,母亲们会更加珍惜这些个性化礼物。

    Mothers will cherish the personalized gifts more than store-bought ones .

  28. 母亲们也传递这种恐惧感吗,还是只有父亲们才这样?

    Do mothers ever transmit such terror , or only fathers ?

  29. 超市里满是带着孩子的神情烦恼的母亲们。

    The supermarket was full of harassed-looking mothers with young children .

  30. 她献花给那所有的母亲们。

    So she had a service in memory of her mother .