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  • magical;unreal;illusory;imaginary
  • 空虚的,不真实的:~想。~影。~境。~灭(受到现实的打击而消灭)。亦真亦~。虚~。梦~。

  • 变化:~化(奇异的变化)。变~莫测。


(没有现实根据的; 不真实的) unreal; imaginary; illusory:

  • 虚幻

    unreal; illusory; visionary


(奇异地变化) magical; changeable:

  • 变幻

    change irregularly; fluctuate

  1. 背向散射曲线上出现幻峰的理论分析

    Analysis of unreal peaks arising on backscattering signal curve

  2. 雪儿,飘着,游走在神与幻的边缘。

    Cherie , waving , wander in god with the edge of the unreal .

  3. 他已承认向查利提供了致幻药。

    He had confessed to supplying Charley with hallucinatory drugs .

  4. 目标是彻底戒绝所有致幻物质。

    The goal is complete abstention from all mind-altering substances .

  5. 大剂量地服用该药会致幻。

    The drug induces hallucinations at high doses

  6. 她错误地以为他会娶她,并受此幻念的折磨。

    She is suffering from the delusion that he will marry her .

  7. 一般没有有效的方法得到图G的幻谱。

    No general efficient algorithm is kown for finding the magic spectra of graph G.

  8. 三路树P(m,n,t)是边幻图的证明(II)

    A Proof of Three-path Trees P ( m , n , t ) Being Edge-magic ( II )

  9. GaAs量子点中电子结构和幻角动量的对称性分析

    Symmetry Constraints of the Magic Angular Momentums and the Electronic Structures of GaAs Quantum Dot

  10. 双幻核~(100)Sn的基态性质

    Ground - State Properties of the Doubly - Magic Nucleus  ̄( 100 ) Sn

  11. 幻紫色TiO2/云母复合颜料表征及随角异色效应研究

    Token study of purple interference color TiO_2 / mica compound pigment and angle-dependent effect

  12. 在奇n阶幻方构造研究的基础上,发现了奇n阶幻立方和正交拉丁立方的构造方法。

    On the base of magic squares constructions research of odd order a method of constructing magic cubes and mutually orthogonal latin cubes of odd order is discovered .

  13. 阐明了奇n阶三重正交拉丁方构造过程,介绍了11阶三重正交拉丁立方及幻立方的构造结果及三重正交拉丁方的具体应用。

    The procedure is described . The construction results of triple mutually orthogonal Latin cube and magic cube of order 11 and the application of the triple mutually orthogonal square are presented .

  14. Bernstein多项式及其幻曲面

    Bernstein Polynomial and Magic Surfaces

  15. 本文证明了当n为大于等于6的偶数时,Bn是超边幻和图。

    In this paper , we prove that the book Bn is a super edge-magic total labeling graph while a is even ( n ≥ 6 ) .

  16. 测试结果表明:J孤幻实验性系统如果满足适合的粗计算任务粒度和适宜的通信延迟要求,就能获得较为满意的性能表现。

    The test result shows that Javaite can gain better performance in the condition of suitable coarse computing task granularity and well communication delay resistance .

  17. Lewis在1997年将其推广到互素幂零完全分歧的基本构型上,也构作了相应的Lewis幻特征标及其相关的特征标对应。

    In 1997 , Lewis promoted it to coprime nilpotent fully-ramified basic configuration , constructed Lewis magic character and character correspondence related to it .

  18. 目的观察经皮电神经刺激(TENS)不同电极放置治疗截肢后幻肢痛的疗效。

    Objective To study the effect electrode placement of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation ( TENS ) on phantom limb pain in the postoperative phase of amputation .

  19. 4N阶幻立方的构造

    Construction of magic cubes of order 4N

  20. 世界级游戏和电影专家,《合金装备5:幻痛》(MetalGearSolidV:ThePhantomPain)的制作者小岛秀夫,以及《环太平洋》(PacificRim)的导演吉尔莫o德尔o托罗在这部游戏中强强联手。

    The world of gaming and movies combine in this new game , which is being developed by Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain creator Hideo Kojima and Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro .

  21. 由于电脑具有提升精神的特性,美国心理学家蒂莫西•利瑞(TimothyLeary)把电脑比作致幻药。

    Timothy Leary , the US psychologist , compared computers with psychedelic drugs given their mind-enhancing properties .

  22. 离开幻相经常是非常痛苦的,因为你接通到幻相的目的就是为了逃避痛苦,或说Mila在很久前就学到如此。

    Exiting the fantasy is often painful ; for one attunes to the fantasy to escape the pain ; or so Mila learned long ago .

  23. 8n阶标准幻立方的第3类快速构造方法

    Ways constructing 8n & order standard magic cube of the third kind

  24. 8n阶最佳幻立方的快速构造方法

    Ways of Constructing Optimum 8n-Order Magic Cube for High Speed

  25. 事实上,Painlevé因为说过“科就是幻”而闻名。

    In fact , Painlev was known for saying that science is fiction .

  26. 在4N阶幻方构造研究的基础上,一种4N阶幻立方构造方法被发现。

    On the basis of the study on magic squares of order4N , a method of constructing magic cubes of order4N is discovered .

  27. 当脱离开幻相的时候,Mila就可以感受,而在感受中,她也能够体验到在任何宣泄之后欢乐的到来。

    In the disconnection from the fantasies , Mila could feel , and in the feeling she could also experience the joy that would follow any catharsis .

  28. 裸盖菇属(Psilocybe)的许多真菌含有神经致幻型毒素,这些毒素被中国卫生部列为A类管制药品。

    Many species of genus Psilocybe contain the hallucinogenic compounds , which are controlled as class A drugs in China .

  29. 据知,阿不思·邓布利多的幻身咒技艺十分高超,他不需要隐形衣就能使自己隐形——J.K。罗琳注)

    Albus Dumbledore was known to be able to perform a Disillusionment Charm so powerful as to render himself invisible without the need for a Cloak . JKR )

  30. 2C-B(4-溴-2,5-二甲氧基苯乙胺)是一种具有致幻、兴奋作用的新型滥用物质,随着给药剂量的增加可对人体产生不同程度的精神作用。

    2C-B ( 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine ) is a kind of new drug abuse which can produce euphoria , with the increase of the dosage for human body to produce different degrees of mentation .