
  1. 尽管如此,爱情却又有着无与伦比的美,她象梦,象霞,象虹,充满幻丽之美。

    Even so , but love has unparalleled beauty , she is like dreams , like rosy clouds , like the rainbow , it is full of unreal beauty .

  2. 反之,康德却证明:其实这些范畴的作用不过是把纯粹现象,幻(MaCja)之产物,提到唯一最高实在的地位,

    Kant showed that these really served only to elevate the mere phenomenon , the work of maya , to the position of the sole and highest reality ,

  3. 你一直都只是在「幻岛」做此「幻之旅」根本就没离开天家一步。

    You have been on your " Fantastic Journey " to " Fantasy Island ," if you will , while never having left Home .