
  1. 《蜀山传》讲述昆仑弟子玄天宗(郑伊健)与师传孤月大师(张柏芝)相恋,孤月力战妖道幽泉血魔而亡。

    King Sky ( Ekin Cheng ), the sole disciple of the Kun Lun Sect , falls in love with his master Dawn ( Cecilia Cheung ) . Dawn is killed when Insomnia destroys the Kun Lun Mountain .

  2. 2004年2月,五大连池以其山苍、石怪、洞幽、水秀、泉奇的迷人魅力成为中国首批世界地质公园。

    With verdant hills , strange rocks , deep caves , limpid waters and miraculous springs , they become the first world geological parks in China .