
ɡuǎnɡ yì xínɡ fǎ
  • criminal law in a broad sense
  1. 刑法解释学属于广义刑法学的一个核心分支学科,并具有自身独立的学科品格。

    As to the three external conditions , firstly , criminal law hermeneutics can not be covered by criminal jurisprudence in narrow sense , that is , these two are different from each other .

  2. 商业贿赂罪具有严重的社会危害性,现行商业贿赂罪是通过广义意义上的刑法进行设计的,从它现有的基本特征、认定上,都表现了其合理性。

    The commercial bribery crime is very harmful to the society and it is judged according to the criminal law .