- 名Song rhyming dictionary;revised and expanded edition of Qièyùn

Guang Yun & the Outstanding Rhyming Dictionary of Chinese Ancient Times
According to our statistics , Chen Li has cut 120 syllables from .
Due to the development of Chinese characters , more homonyms were coined after Guang Yun .
Language Development From Eastern Han Period to Northern Sung Seen from the Word Explanations in Shuo wen and Guang yun
If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions , the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes .
He initiated Fan-qie Xi-lian-fa to research pronunciations of characters in , and he did historic contribution to the study of ancient Chinese language .
Through the investigation , the big dictionary to tone and free form of follow the same reverse interpretation principle and voice close as the main cutting principle .
Three shows Xinjin dialect consonant system and its historical evolution , mainly Xinjin consonant system and the " Guangyun " phonological comparison to see Xinjin consonant systems evolve and develop .
Identifying rhyming word to the Department , mainly in the " Guangyun " according to , if necessary supplemented by " Jiyun " . This article is divided into four chapters .
We will Xinjin dialect phonology and Dujiangyan ( Hexi ) voice lines to compare and , more importantly , based on medieval " Guangyun " as a reference in order to analyze the evolution of dialects Xinjin characteristics .
The third chapter summarizes some rules of the Pingyu dialect evolution during the comparison of the medieval phonetic system and Pingyu dialect phonetic system , for providing reliable information to the establishment of the Chinese history of language .
Carry out respective investigation in the ancient voice and rhyme part , the rich voice and rhyme categories provided in the detailed classification of Guang Yun become very important reference system in the study of the history of Chinese phonetics , which is publicly recognized .