
tōnɡ yònɡ yǔ
  • lingua franca
  1. 英语在世界上许多地方都成了通用语。

    English has become a lingua franca in many parts of the world .

  2. 英语正迅速成为亚洲的通用语。

    English is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of Asia .

  3. 交流的一个基本障碍就是缺少一种大家都说的通用语。

    One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken , common language

  4. 有人说JSON已经取代XML作为新的Internet数据交换的通用语。

    Some say that JSON has replaced XML as the new lingua franca of Internet data exchange .

  5. 这确保了所有代理均具有某些格式的通用语。

    This ensures that all agents have some form of lingua franca .

  6. 例句:我认为英语是一种全球通用语。

    Example : I think English is a global language .

  7. 英语是财务金融和会计的国际通用语。

    English is the international language of finance and accountancy .

  8. 英语也随着英国的军队和贸易船只传到世界各地,成为一种重要的通用语。

    English spread to wherever the British troops and business companies arrived .

  9. 试述国家通用语规范体系

    The National Standard System of Commonly Used Language And Characters

  10. 原则上不反对推广国家通用语。

    We do not object the promotion of the National Common Language in general .

  11. 我国的语言资源包括通用语(普通话)资源、少数民族语言资源、汉语方言资源。

    Chinese language resources include mandarin resources , minority language resou-rces and Chinese dialect resources .

  12. 那么什么是通用语呢?

    Then what is a lingua franca ?

  13. 他的通用语非常流利,略带一点点口音。

    He spoke the Common Tongue flawlessly , with only the slightest hint of accent .

  14. 现实上,英语已成为国际迷信技术协作的通用语。

    English has in fact become the language of international cooperation is science and technology .

  15. 坚决相信推广国家通用语和使用方言并没有矛盾。

    We believe there is no contradiction between promoting the National Common Language and speaking dialects .

  16. 问题在于,这些早已成为过去,英语是新世界的通用语。

    The problem is that it is all long past and the new world is anglophone .

  17. 《最后的通用语》一书的基本观点就是文明的发展必将呈现多种语言齐头并进的态势。

    The fundamental contention of The Last Lingua Franca is that civilisation is growing more multilingual .

  18. 虽然这个女孩看起来是个维斯特洛伊人,但是她不说一句通用语。

    Though she did look Westerosi , the girl spoke not a word of the Common Tongue .

  19. 原子物理学家的通用语

    The dialect of atomic physicists

  20. 我还认为这种通用语应在在早期就在学校教受。

    I also think that this common language should be taught in schools at an early stage .

  21. 我想说在所有的国家只要引进一种通用语。

    I mean to say only one subject or topic should be introduced in all the countries .

  22. 她假装不懂通用语。好让客人们当她来自异域。

    She pretends she doesn 't speak the common tongue so that people will think she 's exotic .

  23. 除了上面的同义词,这部《历时同义词词典》还首次着重介绍了一些单词变为通用语的时间。

    The historical thesaurus , the first of its kind , also highlights when words became common parlance .

  24. 正面依据:英语是香港商业、法律和各专业部门的通用语。

    The case for : English is the lingua franca in business , law and the professional sectors .

  25. 信息时代的到来和国际交往的日益频繁已使英语获得了国际通用语的重要地位。

    The coming of the information era and the increasing of international intercourses make English a language worldwide accepted .

  26. 狂暴龙兽不会言语,但凭着它们有限的智力可以理解通用语和龙语。

    Rage drakes do not speak , but they understand Common and Draconic within the limits of their intelligence .

  27. 莎翁在构建现代英语,使之成为全球通用语方面发挥了关键作用。

    Shakespeare played a critical role in shaping modern English and helping to make it the world 's language .

  28. 他转向乔拉爵士,用其他人听不懂的通用语苦苦哀求。

    He turned to Ser Jorah , pleading in the Common Tongue with words the horsemen would not understand .

  29. 英语作为一门国际通用语,在21世纪已经向着多元化、多功能化的方向发展。

    English , as an international language , has now become a multicultural and multifunctional language in the 21st century .

  30. 普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球通用语独占鳌头?

    Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead ? Or will English reign as the global lingua franca ?