
  • 网络mileage
  1. 近年来,我国高速公路通车里程迅猛增长,目前已跃居世界第二位。

    In recent years , Chinese expressway mileage increased rapidly and has been ranked second in the world .

  2. 随着高速公路通车里程的增加,高速公路的养护维修显得越来越重要。

    With increase of traffic mileage , the maintenance of expressway asphalt pavement becomes more and more important .

  3. 当前,我国正处于高速公路的大发展时期,高速公路通车里程数仅次于美国。

    Currently , our country is in the rapid developing period of the expressway .

  4. 我国目前铁路通车里程还不能满足运输需求,需修建新线路。

    The railway track in use of our country can not meet transportation demand now .

  5. 随着我国经济的发展,高速公路通车里程不断增加,高速公路交通量增长迅速。

    With the development of economy in China freeway mileages and traffic are increasing rapidly .

  6. 截止2005年全国高速公路通车里程接近5万公里。

    At the end of 2005 , the total lengths of freeway have exceeded 50 thousand kilometers .

  7. 近十几年来,通车里程迅速增加,技术等级大幅度提高,公路桥梁和隧道建设取得显著成果。

    In the past ten odd years , a great progress has been made in highway construction .

  8. 随着国民经济的增长,我国高速公路的建设不断加快,通车里程不断增加。

    With the growth of national economy , highway construction speed up and traffic mileage increased in our country .

  9. 2002年我国高速公路通车里程已达2.52万公里。

    By the end of 2002 , our country 's freeway mileage has come to over 2.52 million kilometers .

  10. 交通的基础建设投资力度不断加大,我国的高等级公路通车里程也逐年快速增长。

    Traffic infrastructure investment is increasing continuously , the high grade highway traffic mileage and rapid growth year after year .

  11. 高等级公路在过去的几年中飞速发展,通车里程呈现爆炸式的增长。

    With the rapid development of High-grade highways in the past few years , traffic mileage shows extremely high growth .

  12. 进入了二十一世纪后,中国的公路建设更是蓬勃发展,通车里程数直线增加。

    After entering the 21st century , Chinese highway construction is booming , the number of traffic mileage increases rapidly .

  13. 现在,全自治区公路通车里程达24000多公里,其中沥青路面2000公里。

    The region 's mileage of highways opened to traffic now exceeds 24,000 km , including 2,000 km of asphalt roads .

  14. 据不完全统计,每年需要进行改扩建或大修作业的公路约占全部通车里程的8%以上。

    By incomplete statistic , which highway needs reconstruction and extension or heavy maintenance is more than 8 % to all .

  15. 随着我国公路通车里程的飞速增长,公路隧道数量也急剧增加。

    As the traffic mileage of the highway increases rapidly , and the number of highway tunnel raises at high speed .

  16. 26注:2005年以后的公路线路里程和晴雨通车里程包括村道里程数。

    27 Note : The data of Length of Highways and all-weather highways includes length of roads between villages from 2005 .

  17. 西部山区高速公路建设在此大环境下发展迅速,通车里程跃居全国之首。

    Western mountainous area highway construction is developing rapidly in such an environment , the traffic mileage ranks first in the country .

  18. 鉴于目前高速公路沥青路面通车里程快速增加的同时,沥青混合料离析这一难题也日益突出。

    With the rapid increase of the mileage of asphalt road , segregation of the asphaltic concrete is therefore becoming increasingly prominent .

  19. 随着国民经济的发展,高速公路的通车里程、机动车辆规模及流量大幅度增加。

    With the development of the national economy , the traffic mileage of highway , sizes and scales of motor vehicles is experiencing a substantially increasement .

  20. 随着国家道路交通事业不断发展,公路通车里程不断增长,与此同时,道路交通事故频繁发生。

    Along with the rapid development of the highway transportation in China , the road traffic accidents occur frequently while the mileage of highway is growing .

  21. 随着我国公路交通事业的飞速发展,高等级公路的通车里程不断增长,但是与此同时发生在其上的交通事故也在曰益加重。

    With the rapid development of the highway transportation in China , the traffic accidents on highway increase while the mileage of express highway is growing .

  22. 随着全国高速公路通车里程的不断增长,交通事故率随之增加,交通安全问题日益突出。

    As the increasing of countrywide freeway traffic mileage , the ratio of traffic accidents increases and the problems of traffic safety stand out day by day .

  23. 随着交通事业的发展,公路隧道得到广泛应用,数量和通车里程增长迅速。

    Along with the development of the traffic , highway tunnel has been extensively applied , the number and mileage of highway tunnel is in rapid growth .

  24. 伴随着高速公路的快速建设,通车里程不断的增加,高速公路管理日趋重要,高速公路的工作重心必将转为运营管理与建设并重。

    With the rapid increase of construction and mileage of the expressway , the construction and management to operation of expressway has become more and more important .

  25. 截止到2004年年底,我国高速公路通车里程已达3.42万公里,规划完成高速公路网总规模大约为8.5万公里。

    By the end of 2004 , there are 3.42 million kilometers course of the freeway in China . The planed freeway net will reach 8.5 million kilometers .

  26. 随着高速公路通车里程和城市间道路的不断增长以及铁路客运的高速发展,对高档公路卧铺客车和铁路卧铺客车铺位的需求增加;

    With the continuous development of the length of the highway and road between cities , the number of high-level sleeper buses and trains berth comparts is also rise .

  27. 近年来,随着通车里程和使用年限不断增长,我国公路事业开始从建设阶段向养护管理阶段过渡。

    Recent years , with the increasing of the traffic mileage and service life , the road work in our country is changing from the stage of fast construction to maintenance management .

  28. 近年来,我国的交通事业快速发展,公路通车里程数也急速增长,仅次于美国。

    In recent years , the transport industry of China developing rapidly , and the mileage of highway traffic is also increasing quickly , which is only next to the United States highway traffic mileage .

  29. 随着公路通车里程的增加,摆在养护部门眼前的首要问题就是:怎样养好公路,怎样节约成本,怎样提高养护效率。

    Along with the increase of highway traffic mileage , before the first sight of maintenance departments question is : how to keep good road , how to save cost and how to improve maintenance efficiency .

  30. 随着高速公路通车里程数的迅速增加和使用时间的不断延长,我国高速公路已经开始由大量建设为主向建设与养护并举转变,并最终以养护为主的模式的发展。

    With rapid increase of mileage number of highway and continual prolongation of service time , highway has been turned from the mode dominated by construction into developed simultaneously by construction and maintenance , and gradually become the mode dominated by maintenance .