
  • water inrush accident
  1. 荷叶煤矿透水事故抢险技术过程分析

    Analysis on rescue technical process and countermeasures for water inrush accident in Heye Mine

  2. 他在5月18日发生煤矿透水事故后逃离。

    He fled following the May18th flood at a mine .

  3. 小煤矿采空区积水透水事故原因及对策

    Causation and Countermoves of Water Inrush from Gob Area Impoundment in Small Mines

  4. 湖南石墨矿透水事故5工人被困生死未明。

    Rescuers search for5 trapped in flooded graphite mine .

  5. 云南省一煤矿发生透水事故,目前六名矿工成功获救。

    Six miners trapped in a flooded coal mine in Yunnan have been pulled out alive .

  6. 黄淮流域矿井透水事故的分析及防治对策

    Analysis on Mine Flooding Accident in the Huanghe and Huaihe Rivers Basin and Its Control Measures

  7. 据报导,星期二夜间,小井乡开工两年的龙滩煤矿发生透水事故。

    Reports say that the accident happened at the two-year-old Longtan mine in Xiaojing Township Tuesday night .

  8. 矿洞透水事故的发生,对消防部队的抢险救援工作提出了新的课题和要求。

    The accident of leaking water in mine tunnel gives the fire force new subject and new requirement .

  9. 而此次的3.28王家岭煤矿透水事故,恰恰发生在由两个国企合资的一个公司。

    But the3.28 Wangjia Ling underground water penetration accident just happened in a subsidy company owned by two state-owned companies .

  10. 由晋中煤矿透水事故浅谈矿井水的防治

    Talking about the Prevention of the Mine Water from the Water-transmission Accident in a Coal Mine of Jinzhong City , Shanxi Province

  11. 周三下午,曲靖市一煤矿在进行检修时发生透水事故,导致矿工被困井下。

    The men had been underground since Wednesday afternoon after the mine in the city of Qujing flooded while they were inspecting it .

  12. 周四中午左右,中国北方山西省一铁矿发生透水事故,13人被困井下。

    Thirteen people were trapped inside an iron ore mine in north China 's Shanxi Province after it flooded around noon on Thursday .

  13. .上周六下午,新疆维吾尔自治区一煤矿发生透水事故,目前已有8人获救,21人被困。

    Eight people have been rescued and 21 remain trapped after a coalmine was flooded in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Saturday afternoon .

  14. 矿井透水事故造成了大量的人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失,严重制约了矿山企业的发展。

    Heavy casualties and huge economic losses have been caused by mine flooding accident , which has seriously hampered the development of mining enterprises .

  15. 一旦采掘工作面发生透水事故,不仅影响产煤量,甚至会淹没矿井,危及矿工的生命安全。

    Once water leakage in mining face not only affect the amount of coal , and even submerge mines , endangering the lives of miners .

  16. 采场周围发生水文地质钻孔高压力大流量透水事故的封堵技术研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Plugging Technology of Accident of the High Stress and Great Flux Permeating Water through Hydro geological Hole at the Surrounding of the Stope

  17. 周六,位于中国东北部的黑龙江省发生煤矿透水事故,救援人员已救出两名矿工,目前仍有14人被困井下。

    Rescuers have pulled two miners out alive while 14 others remain trapped after a coal mine in northeast China 's Heilongjiang Province was flooded on Saturday .

  18. 为了防止煤矿井下透水事故的发生,对五阳矿井下防水工程进行了一系列设计和施工,并作了防水闸的压力试验,取得了良好的效果。

    In order to prevent water burst , a serious of waterproof project were carried out in Wuyang mine , which included waterproof gates and achieved good result .

  19. 透水事故发生的一个重要原因,就是公司高层为了抢占市场空间,增强区域话语权,不顾一切的抢进度。

    One of the major causes is the rush to exploit the mine to seize a market share and gain market power , ignoring latent dangers at all .

  20. 常见的矿业灾难有:煤尘爆炸、瓦斯爆炸、瓦斯突出、透水事故、矿井火灾、矿井顶部塌陷等。

    The usual mining accidents include : Gas Explosion , Coal-dust Explosion , Gas Outburst , Mine Flood , Fire Accident in Mining Well , Breaking of Above Rock-layer and so on .

  21. 虽然一些国有矿井已实现中央水泵房的自动化改造,但对于采区工作面产生透水事故,却表现出滞后性的弊端。

    While some state-owned mines have achieved the automation of transformation of the central pump house , but face mining area produced flooding accident , but to show the shortcomings of the lag .

  22. 救援团队已救出115名在煤矿透水事故中被困一个多星期的矿工。这些矿工把自己绑在井壁上以避免在睡着时溺水,并靠吃木头柱子上的树皮充饥,因此而得以生还。

    Rescue teams pulled to safety 115 miners who had been trapped in a flooded coal mine for more than a week and who survived by strapping themselves to the walls to avoid drowning in their sleep and eating bark from wooden support beams .

  23. 有关部门表示,工人被困在地下1200米左右,地下环境非常复杂,目前重点是排水。透水事故发生时,煤矿正在进行技术升级,当时有29名矿工在地下工作。

    Authorities say the workers are trapped around 1200 meters underground , adding that the underground environment is very complex and drainage is the foremost concern The flooding occurred when the coal mine was undergoing a technological upgrade , with 29 miners working underground at the time .

  24. 在中国,煤矿爆炸、透水和塌方事故每天都会发生,通常难得在官方媒体上一提。但如果死亡人数超过180人,将让这次事件成为中国最严重的矿难之一。

    Coal mine explosions , floods and cave-ins are a daily occurrence in China and usually barely merit a mention in the official media , but a death toll of more than 180 would make this one of the country 's worst mining disasters .

  25. 然而,由于计算理论的不完善,也出现过诸如上海地铁四号线透水的重大工程事故。

    However , without theoretical calculation , serious accidents such as the water inrush in Shanghai Subway Line 4 occurred .