
  • 网络generalized predictive control;gpc;CGPC
  1. 即将多模型广义预测控制和广义预测前馈解耦控制、广义预测目标函数解耦控制结合起来,仿真结果验证了该控制算法的有效性。

    It combines multiple modes GPC , GPC algorithm with feed-forward decoupling , and GPC algorithm with objective function decoupling . The simulation examples show effectiveness of the proposed algorithm .

  2. 把LS-SVM在线算法应用到广义预测控制中,解决其中的非线性建模问题。

    The online LS-SVM algorithm is applied in GPC to deal with nonlinear modeling problems .

  3. 广义预测控制在维生素C生产中的应用

    The Application of Generalized Predictive Control in the Production of Vitamin C

  4. 在所完成模型的基础应用的控制算法是直接广义预测控制算法(DirectGeneralizedPredictiveControlAlgorithm)进行控制仿真。

    The control algorithm of basic application is generalized predictive control direct algorithm .

  5. 克服广义预测控制模型参数失配的PID反馈校正策略

    PID feedback correction strategy overcoming model parametric mismatch of GPC

  6. 与传统的PID控制算法对比,广义预测控制算法具有较强的优越性。

    Compared with traditional PID algorithm , the generalized predictive control algorithm exceeds considerably .

  7. 本文提出了1种基于BP神经网络的广义预测控制算法,其实质是利用BP神经网络来求取广义预测控制的最优控制律。

    A new generalized predictive control algorithm based on the BP neural networks is proposed .

  8. 用奇异值分解求解的PI型有约束广义预测控制算法

    The Pi-Type Constrained Predictive Control Algorithm with Singular Value Decomposition

  9. 此外,还将广义预测控制的隐式算法和PID算法相结合,这消除了控制器初始参数不准确给系统造成的不良影响,进一步提高了系统的控制精度和适用性。

    Meanwhile , combining GPC implicit algorithm and PID together eliminates the bad influences that inaccurate initial controller parameters bring .

  10. 广义预测控制在鲁棒DC-DC转换器设计中的应用

    Application of Generalized Predictive Control for Designing of Robust DC-DC Converters

  11. 基于Hopfield网络的广义预测控制及其应用的研究

    The Research of GPC With Control Constrained Based on Hopfield Network and Its Application

  12. 航空发动机T-S模型模糊广义预测控制算法设计

    The Design of Fuzzy Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm for T-S Model in Aviation Engine

  13. 广义预测控制(GPC)在间歇式染色机温度控制中的仿真研究

    Emulation Research on the Temperature Control of Intermittent Dyeing Machine by Generalized Predictive Controller

  14. 分别利用单神经元PID技术和直接广义预测控制技术设计了车速控制器和负荷控制器。

    A single neurons PID speed controller and a direct generalized predictive control load controller are designed to control the speed and the load respectively .

  15. Wiener型系统基于神经网络的在线训练算法广义预测控制

    The Generalized Predictive Control for Wiener Model System Based on Neural Network Online Trainning Algorithm

  16. 将广义预测控制应用于电流环节,构成预测PI电流调节器。

    Generalized predictive control ( GPC ) is applied in current circuit to form predictive - PI ( PPI ) adjuster .

  17. 广义预测控制(GPC)本身具有预测控制与自适应控制这两种控制方法的优点。

    Generalized predictive control ( GPC ) has advantages of predictive control and adaptive control .

  18. 广义预测控制与滚动式LQG控制关系

    Equivalence of Multivariable Generalized Predictive Control to Receding Horizon LQG Control

  19. 针对这一问题Yamamoto.T等人将广义预测控制算法与PID控制算法结合起来形成了基于GPC的PID控制算法。

    To solve this problem Yamamoto . T who combined generalized predictive control algorithm with the PID control algorithm proposed GPC-based PID control algorithm .

  20. 具有Hammerstein形式的非线性系统广义预测控制

    Generalized Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems of the Hammerstein Form

  21. 广义预测控制中Diophantine矩阵多项式方程的显式解

    Explicit solution of Diophantine matrix polynomial equations in generalized predictive control

  22. 运用广义预测控制(GPC)方法,设计了低空地形跟踪的飞行控制器;

    A generalized predictive control method was used in this paper for design of cruise missile terrain following controller .

  23. 并进一步讨论了广义预测控制(GPC)算法,将之应用到热力站供热过程的数学模型中。

    Basing on the prediction ability of GPC , the supplying process of thermal consumer can be controlled well .

  24. 广义预测控制(GPC)是随着自适应控制研究而发展起来的一种新型预测控制算法。

    Generalized predictive control ( GPC ) is a new predictive control algorithm developed along with the research of adaptive control .

  25. 通过仿真结果得出,采用广义预测控制算法控制器比常规PID算法的控制器取得更好的控制效果,具有跟踪能力好、超调量小、抗干扰能力强的特点。

    Through the simulation results , the generalized predictive control algorithm control effect is better than conventional PID algorithm , which has current tracking abilities , small overshoot and strong anti-interference ability .

  26. 提出一种基于Elman动态回归神经网络模型的鲁棒型广义预测控制(GPC)。

    A robust generalized predictive control ( GPC ) based on Elman neural network model is presented in this paper .

  27. 提出了一种新颖的具有预测误差校正的多变量广义预测控制(GPC)与动态矩阵控制(DMC)混合集中优化控制算法。

    In this paper , a novel multivariable GPC and DMC mixed centralized optimization control algorithm with predictive error correcting is presented .

  28. 虽然广义预测控制比模糊自适应PID控制的电耗指标减少不多,但从长期来看广义预测控制还是要相对节能一些。

    Although the energy consumption index of generalized predictive control is a little less than that of fuzzy adaptive PID control , the generalized predictive control is energy saving in the long run .

  29. 对传统预测控制方法GPC算法进行了改进:引入隐式自适应广义预测控制,给出改进的辨识和控制算法,以满足实时性要求。

    The basic GPC algorithms are improved : control algorithm of implicit adaptive GPC with improved identification algorithm is given to improve real-time ability .

  30. 利用RBF神经网络在线训练算法和广义预测控制算法进行了Wiener型非线性模型预测控制的研究。

    The nonlinear model predictive control based on Wiener model by using the online training algorithm for RBF neural network and generalized predictive control algorithm is studied .