
  1. 1925年成立的广州国民政府高扬反对帝国主义的旗帜,对在华基督教会及其事业采取限制、排斥的政策。

    The Nationalist government , founded in 1925 in Guangzhou , adopts policies to restrain or to resist Christian churches and their undertakings in China under the banner of fighting imperialism .

  2. 因此,爬梳与澄清广州国民政府教育行政委员会成立与北迁的史实,有助于深入了解与把握北伐前后纷繁复杂的历史本相。

    Therefore , to sort out the historical facts of the foundation and the move northward of the Committee on Educational Administration of Guangzhou National Government helps to deepen the understanding and mastering the complicated historical truth during that period .

  3. 广州、武汉国民政府时期的革命外交(1923-1927)

    " Revolutionary Diplomacy " in the Times of GuangZhou 、 WuHan National Government ( 1923-1927 )