
  • 网络Radio and TV Editing
  1. 广播电视编导专业实验教学改革研究

    On Experiment Teaching Reform of Radio and Television Director Specialty

  2. 也更不可能在专业上赶上学习广播电视编导的学生。

    The student that learns broadcasting television playwright-director is caught more impossibly also on major .

  3. 在这种情况下,一个新的专业名词应运而生&广播电视编导。

    In this case , a new professional term comes into being & Radio and TV director .

  4. 科学发展观指导下的广播电视编导专业本科课程改革

    The Undergraduate Curriculum Reform of TV and Broadcasting Director Major under the Guiding of Scientific Development View

  5. 广播电视编导专业是近年来在我国很多高校陆续开设的专业。

    Radio & Television Directing is a major which have been set up in many colleges and universities in recent years .

  6. 该专业自创立至今已有10年,这10年也是我国电视媒体从兴盛到转型反思的阶段,我国很多高校都已经开设了广播电视编导专业。

    The specialty has been 10 years from now on and this 10 years is also a stage from blooming to reflection transformation in TV media . Many colleges have found the specialty of radio and TV director .

  7. 本章首先阐述了广播电视编导专业学生应具备的核心素质,然后从三个方面进行了具体描述:优势和定位、素质技能培养、师资和课程设置。

    The chapter elaborate the core quality that these graduates of radio and TV director should possess at first . Then the chapter describes in details from three aspects : advantage and position , quality of skills development , teachers and curriculum .

  8. 对广播电视新闻学专业电视编导方向课程教改的研究

    The Teaching Reform of TV Editing and Course for Journalism Major Directing