
ɡuǎnɡ zhōu huà
  • Cantonese speech
  1. 南宁话与广州话语音系统的比较描述

    Comparative Description between Nanning Dialect and Guangzhou Dialect in Pronunciation System

  2. 广州话句末语气助词对句子表述性的作用

    The Effects of the Cantonese Final Particles on the Sentence Predication

  3. 广州话梗系算一种南方方言啦!唔通唔系?

    Me too if you could call Cantonese a southern dialect .

  4. 广州话二字格词语研究

    A Study of Two character Phrases in the Guangzhou Dialect

  5. 广州话是粤方言的代表,有着丰富的语气助词。

    Cantonese represents Guangdong dialects , and is rich in utterance particles .

  6. 广州话句末语气助词在信息传递中的作用。

    The Cantonese final particles also play distinctive roles in information transmission .

  7. 语言要求:懂英语,普通话和广州话。

    Language , English and putonghua , Cantonese will be an advantage .

  8. 那你会广州话?

    So you can speak cantonese then ?

  9. 广州话句末语气助词的基本功能是辅助句调表达语气。

    The basic function of the Cantonese final particles is assisting the intonation to convey moods .

  10. 因此,广州话中真正负载疑问功能,能称得上疑问语气助词的只有6个;

    Therefore , there are only six true auxiliary words of interrogative mood baring the interrogative function in Cantonese ;

  11. 关于广州话-k塞尾入声变化的调查实验

    A Survey and an Experiment on the Changes of Entering Tone with [ - k ] ending stop in Cantonese

  12. 英语说写流利是必备条件,同时必须通晓广州话和普通话。

    Fluency in spoken and written English is a must , and mastery of Cantonese and Mandarin is also essential .

  13. 广州话和北京话中都有三个鼻音:[m]、[n]、[η]。

    There are the same three nasals found in the two dialects , [ m ] , [ n ] and [ η ] .

  14. 俗称广东话。以广州话为代表,通行于中国的广东省中部和西南部、广西壮族自治区东部和南部、香港及澳门。

    Yue or Guangdong dialect , represented by Guangzhou dialect , is generally used in central and southwestern Guangdong Province , eastern and southern Guangxi Province , Hong Kong and Macao .

  15. 本文的讨论,虽然是对广州话句末语气助词的讨论,但选取的角度、方法和结论在汉语语法研究的普遍性方面有较高的理论价值。

    Although the exposition of this dissertation is on the Cantonese final particles , but the selecting angles , ways and conclusions have high theoretical value on the universality of Chinese grammar study .

  16. 本文通过分析广州话声调与音乐的配合的规律,揭示粤语流行歌词音乐美形成的原因,并总结粤语流行歌词填词合调的技巧。

    Through the analysis of rule that how the Cantonese tone match music tune , this essay try to explain the reason why the Canton Pop lyric has the unique aesthetic feeling like the music .

  17. 此外,激活脑区的相关统计显示,广州话高频字激活的左额下回与右脑额上回是高相关的功能连接区。

    The statistical results of correlation among activating areas revealed that the left inferior frontal gyrus and right superior frontal gyrus , activated in the high-frequency Cantonese Chinese characters task , were functional connectivity areas .

  18. 对于广州话鼻音问题的分析,可以在优选论经典理论的框架内完成,但是对北京话鼻音分布的分析,须借助比较标记理论的方法进行。

    The distribution of nasals in Guangzhou dialect can be adequately analyzed in the framework of traditional OT , while satisfactory analysis of Beijing nasals can only be achieved in the way of comparative markedness ( CM ) .

  19. 如果您能为他预订1个经济舱的座位,在7月28日当天或者前后几天,飞离广州的话,将不胜感激。

    We would be obliged if you could book one economical class seat for him on a flight leaving Guangzhou on or about July 28 .

  20. 如果你能为他预订1个经济舱的座位,在7月28日当天或者前后几天,飞离广州的话,不胜感激。

    We would be obliged if you would book one economy class seat for him on a flight leaving Guangzhou on or about July 28th .

  21. 而对于深圳和上海来说,重新定居的成本每月将会超过1000元,选择到广州工作的话,其成本可能是每月441元。

    For Shenzhen and Shanghai , the offer to relocate would have to exceed 1000 yuan a month , or to move to Guangzhou it would have to be 441 yuan better a month .