
  1. 建立广梧高速公路GPS平面控制网的实践

    Establishing the GPS Horizontal Control Network of Guang Wu Expressway

  2. 广梧高速公路岩溶路基土洞注浆处理施工

    Construction Technology of Grouting Treatment against Subgrade Karst Holes of Guang-Wu Expressway

  3. 广梧高速公路隧道二衬合理支护时机确定方法

    The Method Used to Determine Reasonable Support Time of the Guang-Wu Highway

  4. 广梧高速公路试验段面层沥青混合料配合比设计

    Mix Design of Asphalt Layer in a Testing Section of Gang-Wu Expressway

  5. 广梧高速公路上的特色跨线拱桥设计

    Distinctive Design of Overpass Arch Bridge on the Highway from Guangzhou to Wuzhou

  6. 广梧高速公路长寿命沥青混凝土路面试验段均匀性研究

    A Study on Homogeneity of Perpetual Asphalt Concrete Pavement on Test Section of Guang-Wu Expressway

  7. 广梧高速公路试验段沥青混合料抗剪性能检验

    Test of Shearing Properties of Asphalt Mixture in a Testing Section of Gang - Wu Expressway

  8. 配送中心高层货架拣选作业优化研究广梧高速公路上寨高架二桥方案设计

    Study on Path Optimization of High Rack in Distribution Center The Schematic Design About Shang Zai No.2 Viaduct of Guangzhou to Wuzhou Highway

  9. 广梧高速公路异型钢拱桥拱肋施工技术管波探测法在广梧高速公路灰岩区桥梁桩基工程中的应用

    Construction Technology for Arch Rib of Deformed Steel Arch Bridge in Guangzhou ─ Wuzhou Highway Tube cave detecting method and its using in guangwu speedway

  10. 利用单轴贯入试验和无侧限抗压试验,对广梧高速公路试验段面层沥青混合料的抗剪性能进行了评价和检验。

    The shearing properties of asphalt mixture in wearing layer of a testing section of Gangzhou-Wuzhou Expressway are evaluated by the single penetration test and unconfined compression test .

  11. 大卫从那里上去,住在隐基底的山寨里。广梧高速公路上寨高架二桥方案设计

    " and from there , David went up and took cover in the safe place of En-gedi . " The Schematic Design About Shang Zai No.2 Viaduct of Guangzhou to Wuzhou Highway

  12. 采用该种方法计算广梧高速公路某监测断面的沉降与实测沉降的对比结果表明,该计算方法基本满足工程需要,可以用于设计计算。

    Through the comparison between measured settlement and calculated one of some monitoring sections in Guang-Wu expressway , the results indicated that this method met the needs of the project and can be applied to design .