
  • 网络Guangzhou gymnasium
  1. 铁路40米PPC箱梁整孔制造与架设技术广州体育馆训练馆大跨度钢梁制作工艺

    Construction Technology on Integral Span Box Girder Fabrication and Erection Fabrication Technology of Long Span Girder in Training Building of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  2. 广州体育馆屋盖钢结构的安装施工

    Installation and Construction of Steel Roof Structure of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  3. 广州体育馆拉索索力测试方法及其应用

    The Cable-Force Measurement Method of Guangzhou Gymnasium and Its Application

  4. 广州体育馆主场馆顶棚大面积粘贴条形砖施工技术

    Strip tile sticking technology on large roof of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  5. 广州体育馆模拟式线型感温电缆的应用

    Application of Simulated Linear Temperature Sensitive Cable in Guangzhou Gymnasium

  6. 广州体育馆辐射桁架试验与结构设计

    Tests on radial truss and structural design for Guangzhou gym

  7. 广州体育馆训练馆大跨度钢梁制作工艺

    Fabrication Technology of Long Span Girder in Training Building of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  8. 广州体育馆停车场抗拔桩施工

    Anti-lift pile construction of parking lot at Guangzhou Gymnasium

  9. 广州体育馆主场馆的钢结构测量施工

    The steel construction measurement of Guangzhou Gymnasium constructs

  10. 广州体育馆爆破拆除的粉尘控制

    Dust Controlling in Demolition Blasting of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  11. 广州体育馆钢结构屋架安装监测

    Monitoring of Guangzhou Gymnasium Steel Roof Truss

  12. 彼得到达了广州体育馆。

    Peter arrive at Guangzhou Gymnasium .

  13. 他们到了广州体育馆。

    They arrive at Guangzhou Gymnasium .

  14. 广州体育馆主场馆空调冷工况调试及运行参数调整探讨

    Discussion on Debugging and Operating Parameter Adjustment of Air-conditioning Equipment Cold Dispersion in Main Hall of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  15. 广州体育馆配备了所有体育经济所需要的设施。

    The Guangzhou Gymnasium is equipped with all the facilities needed for the organization of a major sports competition .

  16. 广州体育馆屋盖辐射桁架上下弦节点试验与节点设计

    Test and design on the joint of upper and down chords of radial truss for the roof of Guangzhou gym

  17. 阐述了广州体育馆冷冻水系统的结构,提出了独特的冷冻水泵变频控制方案。

    Illuminate the structure of chilled water system of Guangzhou New Gymnasium . Bring forward a special variable frequency control proposal for chilled water pump .

  18. 本文以广州体育馆钢结构屋架几何形变测量工程为实例,提出了一套适宜大型钢屋架的几何形变测量方案。

    Deformation observation of Guangzhou gymnasium steel roof truss is used as a case study in this paper and a survey scheme suitable for such project presented .

  19. 本文通过广州体育馆主场馆空调冷工况调试过程的实践,摸索出大型公共场所,大空间、大温差运行参数调整的规律。

    The article according to the process of air-conditioning equipment cold dispersion debugging , discusses the rules of operating parameter adjusting in the public , large space and difference in temperature .

  20. 通过应用虚拟仿真技术,解决了广州体育馆钢结构屋盖预应力拉索施工中的施工难点,确定了拉索张拉顺序和张拉力。

    Using the virtual simulation technology , engineers solved construction problems in construction of prestressed cables of the steel structure roof of Guangzhou Stadium , and determined the tension sequence and tension forces of cables .

  21. 介绍广州体育馆屋盖足尺辐射桁架的试验情况,包括桁架端板有限元分析及辐射桁架、预应力索的结构设计

    The full sized radial truss test of Guangzhou Gymnasium steel roof is introduced , the finite element analysis of the radial truss end plate and structural design of the radial truss and prestressed cable are introduced as well

  22. 广州体育馆屋盖为大跨度桁架+交叉拉索支撑轻钢结构,采用的预应力拉索支撑是国内首创,并首次将频率法应用于民用建筑的检测。

    The roof of Guangzhou Gymnasium is a light steel structure with large-span truss and cross cable brace . The prestressed cable brace was first adopted in China , and the frequency method was first used to detect civil buildings .

  23. 列举了广州T体育馆项目基于KBE的项目进度管理中的知识库和知识库系统建设中的实践。

    Guangzhou Nansha Stadium project listed KBE-based project schedule management in the knowledge base and knowledge base system construction practices .

  24. 广州旧体育馆预拆除时的结构安全性监控

    Monitoring of structural safety in pretreatment of old Guangzhou Gymnasium Building

  25. 广州新体育馆空调冷冻水泵变频控制方案

    Variable Frequency Control Proposal for Guangzhou New Gymnasium Chilled Water Pump

  26. 广州新体育馆建设工程新技术新工艺的应用

    Application of New Technologies and Methods in Construction of Guangzhou New Stadium

  27. 广州新体育馆置换通风空调设计探讨

    Discussion of the Displacement Ventilation Air Conditioning System Design of Guangzhou New Stadium

  28. 针对广州新体育馆钢结构屋架安装监测工程,提出了广州新体育馆大型屋盖网架施工监测的测量方案。

    In accordance with the requirement of precision in installing the Guangzhou gymnasium steel roof truss , the authors put forth a survey scheme for monitoring during the installation .

  29. 本文通过对广州新体育馆基本情况的介绍,分析场馆存在的优缺点,并尝试提出改进现状的方案。

    This article through to Guangzhou new stadium basic situation 's introduction , the analysis facility existence 's good and bad points , and attempts proposes the improvement present situation plan .

  30. 地铁施工对广州市旧体育馆的影响及保护措施

    Influence of metro construction on an existing gymnasium and the countermeasure