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  • 网络village
  1. 虽然他家住那个庄村;

    His house is in the village though ;

  2. 在中国中部的河南霍庄村,制作社火道具已有几百年的历史。

    And in Huozhuang Village of central China 's Henan Province , the skills of making Shehuo props have a history spanning hundreds of years .

  3. 重点通过对下庄村的资源进行SWOT分析,试图得到一种古村落保护性的改造策略。

    Wencheng County , Wenzhou City , attempts to get a renewal strategy of protecting ancient village by SWOT analysis of Xiazhuang Village .

  4. 其次,农地流转释放了北秋庄村一部分剩余劳动力,这一方面为北秋庄村农地流转提供了可能,另一方面实现了北秋庄村的增收。

    Second , on the one hand , the rural land transfer release part of the surplus labor , which provides the possibility of transfer of rural land transfer , and on the other hand , achieve increase income .

  5. 随着年产值超过一亿元,现在霍庄村已被列为中国“淘宝村”之一。而“淘宝村”是指一个村中逾10%的人家经营淘宝店,并且全村每年电商收入超过1000万元的村庄。

    With an annual output value of over 100 million yuan , Huozhuang Village is now listed as one of the " Taobao Villages " in China where over 10 percent of households run online stores and village e-commerce revenues exceed 10 million yuan per year .