
zhuānɡ jiɑ dì
  • fields;cropland;farm
庄稼地 [zhuāng jià dì]
  • [cropland ] [口]∶田地,农田

  1. 更有带着狗逃去深山和庄稼地的主人,也被跟踪抓捕而至,将狗打死。

    Has the owner takes dog to run away the remote mountain and the cropland , also is tracked seizes to kills the dog .

  2. 犀牛夜里在这些村民的庄稼地里也已吃饱了

    The rhinos had fed during the night in the rice fields of these villagers .

  3. 这回要在庄稼地里搜捕,那不是海底捞针!

    Looking for them now is like fishing for a needle in a haystack !

  4. 他在庄稼地里看到一群孩子正在干活。

    He saw some children working in the fields .

  5. 但是现在有更多的庄稼地,是吗?

    What is the world 's population now ?

  6. 公路沿山而上,把长势茂盛的庄稼地抛在下面。

    The road climbed up into the hills and left the rich grain-fields below .

  7. 我们穿行在庄稼地里,这里有岩石嶙峋的小山岗,山坡朝下没在地里。

    We were going through farming country with rocky hills that sloped down into fields .

  8. 此法是将围着庄稼地边沿铺设的特制砖块燃烧起来以驱逐大象。

    The idea is to burn these bricks around the edges of fields to keep elephants away .

  9. 我给他们看了我的三间房子,我的庄稼地和我的山羊以及所有的工具。

    I showed them my three houses , my cornfields and my goats , and all my tools .

  10. 夏日的一天,一只蚱蜢正在一块庄稼地上蹦来跳去,无忧无虑地唱着歌。

    In a field one summer 's day a Grasshopper was hopping about , chirping and singing to its heart 's content .

  11. 一个月后,我看见一些亮绿的幼苗,六个月后我便有了一块非常小的庄稼地。

    A month later I saw something bright green there , and after six months I had a very small field of corn .

  12. 他们有个明确的杀敌猎手季,就是他们的庄稼地需要更多肥料的时候。

    They had a definitive season for head-hunting enemies , which was when the tribe needed more fertilizer to help grow their crops .

  13. 右边的图片一个印第安小女孩和一些成年的斯伊诺猪。它们在附近的村庄和庄稼地附近游逛。

    The picture to the right is of a little Indian girl and some adult Cuinos who wander around the village and near-by crop land .

  14. 她的眼光扫过一片宽广的庄稼地,掠过东南,然后痴情地滞留于地平线上最远的山梁。

    Her eyes , wandering over a wide tract of country to the southeast , fondly rested on the farthest ridge of hills in the horizon .

  15. 多年后,这个独特的故事激发了两名英国恶作剧者的灵感,他们用简单的工具在当地的庄稼地里亲自创作了压平的庄稼组成的怪圈。这种做法迅速传播,成为一种时尚,麦田怪圈也变得越来越复杂和精巧。

    Years later , this unique story inspired two English pranksters to create their own patterns of flattened crops in local fields , using simple tools .

  16. 它座落在一百英亩葱绿的庄稼地的中心,有着自己私人的猎场和可供钓鱼的奔流的小溪。

    It was set amid the green of a hundred acres of lush farmland , with its own private hunting , and running streams to fish .

  17. 我家住在弗吉尼亚州郊外。信不信由你,我上高中的学校正好位于两个牧场之间的一块地地道道的庄稼地上。

    I live in rural Virginia , and my high school , believe it or not , was in between two pastures in a very agrarian area .

  18. 杰夫佩蒂斯:我们追踪了很多蜜蜂,将它们从一个庄稼地转移到另一个,让它们在不同地里授粉,喂给它们算不上理想的食物。

    Jeff Pettis : We ask a lot of them . We move them from crop to crop to pollinate and to feed on things that may not be ideal diet .

  19. 农民为了让庄稼地茂盛,给地里施肥,为了杀死害虫,往地里喷药,这个时候,有毒的气体就会散发到空气中,水里和土壤里。

    When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better , or use poison to kill pests , poison is sent into the air , the water and the soil .

  20. 就那年炎热的夏天,庄稼地的湿度恰到好处,过早的种植使授粉避开酷热在顶梢干枯前完成,雨水稀少使地里长着的玉米免遭水灾。

    For that one blistering summer , the ground moisture was just right , planting early allowed pollination before heat , withered the tops , and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods .

  21. 桶上覆盖着庄稼地里用的那种厚布袋,免得水冷掉。用来喂养动物(尤其是马)的帆布制成的袋子;覆盖着口罩且顶部扎紧。

    They were covered over with thick farm sacks to keep the water hot . a canvas bag that is used to feed an animal ( such as a horse ); covers the muzzle and fastens at the top of the head .

  22. 充足的阳光和雨水正使庄稼茁壮地生长。

    Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely .

  23. 呼啸的子弹象割庄稼般地把敌兵扫倒。

    The whistling bullets cut the enemy soldiers down like corn .

  24. 大家的庄稼还在地里,收不上来。

    Their crops are still in the fields and cannot be harvested .

  25. 王后为此日夜伤感,说:“我就像块不长庄稼的地。”

    She complained day and night about this , and said ," I am like a field that nothing will grow in . "

  26. 农民在种庄稼前认真地耕地。

    The farmers turned the soil over carefully before planting .

  27. 庄稼生长的地底下是极其致密的地层,经常是以辐射形态存在。

    Underneath the land that the crops are grown is great density , often in the form of radiation .

  28. 驻足观看,这里发生了天翻地覆的变化:房屋重新被整修过,条件也优于从前,成群的牛羊正在欢快地吃着青草,地里的庄稼也成排地生长着。

    Look and behold3 . It 's like a completely different place -- the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition , there are plenty of cattle and other livestock4 happily munching5 on feed in well-fenced pens , and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows .

  29. 那农夫将刚刚长出庄稼的那片地用绳子圈子起来,以防动物进去。

    The farmer has roped off the field where the new crop is growing , to keep the animals out .

  30. 河岸两旁的野草,沉默的庄稼,都静静地站在这灰白色的月光中,好象正默默地等待着什么。

    Weeds along the river bank , silent crops , are quietly standing in the pale moonlight , as if what is silently waiting .