
zhuānɡ jiɑ hàn
  • peasant;farmer
庄稼汉 [zhuāng jià hàn]
  • [peasant] 种庄稼的

  1. 你是壮实的庄稼汉的后代。

    You come from sturdy , peasant stock .

  2. 然而这个洗衣妇,虽然又瘦又小,却具有世代当庄稼汉的祖辈所传下来的一股力气。

    But this washwoman , small and thin as she was , possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant forebears .

  3. 那种新奇的,田野上的喧声,那种庄稼汉打着的唿哨,那种水禽的溅水声,他觉得每一样都是令人销魂的。

    The quaint field noises , the yokels'whistling , and the splash of water-fowl , each seemed to him enchanted .

  4. 威尔肯定欢迎这样好的一个庄稼汉到塔拉来。

    Will would certainly welcome a good field hand at Tara .

  5. 一个邪恶的王子还不如一个清白的庄稼汉有价值。

    An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince .

  6. 同庄稼汉几乎没什么区别的乡村贵族。

    A rural aristocracy that is barely distinguishable from the rural peasantry .

  7. 像你这样应有尽有的富人和一无所有的庄稼汉。

    People like you who have everything and your peasants have nothing .

  8. 他当然不是个像样的庄稼汉。

    Of course , he was n 't any good as a farmer .

  9. 一度被杰斐逊奉为英雄的农民,昔日俨然是男子汉大丈夫,而今却一落千丈,成了乡下人、庄稼汉、乡巴佬。

    Once the hero of jefferson , the virtuous husbandman , he was the rube , the hick , the hayseed .

  10. 普通庄稼汉,虽被看作愚蠢无智的典型,却几乎都有此种判断力与思辨力。

    The common ploughman , though generally regarded as the pattern of stupidity and ignorance , is seldom defective in this judgment and discretion .

  11. 他向往乌托邦式的庄稼汉的天堂生活,而这种宗法式的古老的生活方式,与时代是格格不入的。

    He looks forward to the Utopia life of ' the heaven of farmers ' , but this ancient life style of patriarchal clan system is incompatible with times .

  12. 他赶走睡意,坐起来,看了看四周,发现这位知名人士和一个庄稼汉模样的人正在喝一品脱啤酒,谈得正投机。

    Rousing himself sufficiently to sit up and look about him , he found that worthy in close fellowship and communication with a labouring man , over a pint of ale .

  13. 当他们要求我打造一把剑时我也照做了,那是一把可以把农民变成英雄,把庄稼汉变成勇士,把养猪的变成救世主的剑。

    As I did when they asked me to make a sword , a sword that could make a hero out of a husbandman , a warrior of an aleswiller , a savior from a swineherd .

  14. 与猎人的那种悠哉游哉的生活相比,庄稼汉的日子痛苦而劳累;猎人周围有的是猎物,打到个体面的猎物,即可养活全家人一个星期。

    Compared to the easy life of the hunter , with plenty of game around , and where one decent kill could feed a family for a week , that of a crop farmer was painful and arduous .

  15. 一个农夫处于极度不幸之中,因为他种的庄稼歉收,而他的牛又死了。庄稼汉们审视着母牛,走开了又回来,不知道怎样才好。

    A farmer was in great distress , as his crops had failed and his cow had died on him . Peasants looked over the cows , went away , and came back , perplexed .