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qìng gōng huì
  • victory meeting;celebration meeting for achievements gained
庆功会 [qìng gōng huì]
  • [victory meeting;celebration meeting for achievements gained] 庆祝成功的大会

庆功会[qìng gōng huì]
  1. 如果我们赢了那就开庆功会

    Well , if we win , it 's a celebration .

  2. 你怎么知道肯定会有庆功会

    How do you know that you 're gonna be celebrating ?

  3. 我们都知道他们是一起离开庆功会的。

    We all know they left the reception together .

  4. 把钱留着给妈妈开庆功会吧

    Put the funds toward mom 's victory party .

  5. 赛后庆功会

    We 're celebrating after the game .

  6. 我认为当员工或团队做出优秀表现的时候我们也可以举办庆功会。

    I think we can also hold ceremonies when our staff members or teams produce excellent performance .

  7. 2004年夺金后,在香港的一场庆功会上,刘翔还为“翔迷”一展歌喉。

    On a victory lap through Hong Kong after his2004 win , he sang for adoring fans .

  8. 这也是为什么议会选举过渡到了一个认可普京先生的庆功会。

    This is why the parliamentary election has been turned into a ceremony of approval for him .

  9. 她的父母非常开心,在玛拉瓦创造新纪录的庆功会上他们难掩骄傲之情。

    Her overjoyed parents couldn 't contain their pride during a special ceremony to mark Malavath 's achievement .

  10. 米兰-科里戈利亚诺。卡拉布罗正在为当地英雄里诺。加图索筹办一个为期四天的庆功会,在帮助意大利队赢得世界杯的红黑球星回来度假时举行。

    MILAN-Corigliano Calabro is preparing a four-day party for home-town hero Rino Gattuso when the Rossoneri star arrives for his vacation after helping Italy to win the World Cup .

  11. 昨夜于纽约举行的《绯闻女孩》100集庆功会上,布莱克·莱弗利身穿玛切萨礼服与年轻的演员科洛·莫瑞兹在红毯上合影。

    Blake Lively wore Marchesa and posed with young actress Chloe Moretz on the red carpet in NYC last night to celebrate her series Gossip Girl making the100 episode mark !

  12. 当然,假如东风在纽波特开庆功会,将不会不具讽刺意味,因为与欧洲相比而言,美国对中国投资持更为谨慎的态度。

    A Dongfeng victory party in Newport would not , of course , be without its ironies , given the rather more circumspect view taken of Chinese investment in the US compared to Europe .

  13. 有时,被摄对象会刻意摆好姿势等待拍摄,如产品发布会、商务活动或者庆功会。

    Sometimes , subjects may strike an artificial pose , such as at a product launch , a show business event or a sports victory ceremony or when requested to do so to illustrate a feature .