
kù qū
  • reservoir;area covered by a reservoir;dam area
  1. 基于Web的三峡库区边坡稳定性评价决策支持系统的研制与开发

    The development of Sanxia Reservoir slope stability assessment decision support system based on the World Wide Web

  2. 长江三峡库区GPS高程拟合的应用研究

    An Approach to Application of GPS Elevation Fitting in Three Gorges Reservoir Region

  3. 黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟骨干工程泥沙淤积来源于坡面侵蚀、沟道侵蚀和库区岸坡坍塌

    Sediments check dam in small watersheds in loess hilly gully area come from three proportion , i.

  4. GPS定位技术在三峡库区崩滑地质灾害监测中的试验分析

    Application of GPS satellite positioning technique to monitoring of landslides in Three Gorges Dam

  5. 介绍了掌上型GPS的常规应用和在水库库区的拓展应用。

    It also introduced palm GPS 's normal application and extended application in reservoir region survey .

  6. 三峡库区1997年平水期水质同步监测的W值法评价

    Water Quality Assessment With W Value for Three Gorges Reservoir Mean Flow Season in 1997

  7. 基于GIS的南水北调西线工程达曲库区边坡稳定性研究

    Slope Stability in Daqu Reservoir Area of the West Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project Based on GIS

  8. 三峡重庆库区PAHs污染研究

    Research on PAHs pollution of the Three Gorges Reservior in ChongQing

  9. 基于GIS的三峡库区生态环境综合评价&Ⅳ.降水量变化(1951-2004)

    Integrated Assessment of Eco-environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Areas Based on GIS and DEM ⅳ . Assessment of Precipitation Changes ( 1951-2004 )

  10. 以三峡库区为例研讨了灾害预警GIS信息系统的工作原理及其建立过程和实际应用。

    Taking the Changjiang Gorges reservoir area as example , it enters into the working principle , establishing process and actual application for GIS information system of geological calamity early-warning .

  11. 测量数据显示,ESR法基本不适合测定三峡库区冲积物的年龄;

    The results show that the ESR method is likely unsuitable for dating fluvial sediments in the Three Gorges Reservoir area .

  12. p53蛋白和抗体的血清流行病学研究三峡库区流动人口血吸虫血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological Study of p53 Protein and Antibodies in Different Group People ; Serological epidemiology investigation on Schistosoma japonicum of the mobile population in Three Gorges reservoir area

  13. 根据对2002年和2004年长江三峡库区巴东段的七个监测断面的水质监测结果,采用综合污染指数法(P值法)对各监测断面、城区江段以及其总体水环境质量进行了综合评价。

    Water quality in various monitoring sections and urban sections were overall evaluated by using integrated pollution index based on analysis of recent two years ' water quality monitoring data in 7 cross sections alongside Badong area of Three Georges reservoir .

  14. 长江素有黄金水道之称,长江干支流通航总里程长达8万Km,三峡工程建成后,库区航道将有较大的改善,万吨级船队可直达重庆。

    The Yangtze River has been called the " golden waterway " . after the completion of the Xian Xia Project reservoir will have a larger waterway improvement , ten thousand-ton vessels can reach Chongqing .

  15. 通过比较不同生境蝗虫群落的相似性,并经聚类和PCA分析,可将松花湖库区5种生境划分为三大类型,分别为远湖区生境,包括采伐迹地和农田;

    By comparing the similarity of grasshoppers ' community in different habitat regions and clustering and PCA analyzing , the different habitat regions could be divided into 3 types : far off lake region including cutting blank and farmland region ;

  16. 主要介绍了钢卷库过程计算机系统(CYC)管理库区的方法,包括钢卷的堆放方式、库区管理的策略,以及平整生产等内容,并且简述了CYC系统的运行情况。

    The method of CYC management of coil yard is described , including piling method of coil , strategy of coil yard management , and process of leveling etc. And , working situation of CYC system is discussed .

  17. 基于CBERS遥感数据,将得到的负指数模型运用到三峡库区秭归&巴东段。

    Finally , the article has a conclusion that the negative exponential model is the best . ( 2 ) Based on CBERS remote sensing data , the negative exponential model is applied to Zigui-Badong district in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area .

  18. 三峡大坝建成后,库区流水区断面流速只有0.04m/s,比天然河道断面平均流速减小将近5倍左右。

    After the Three Gorges engineering is accomplished , the speed of water through cross section , 0.04 m / s , is only 1 / 6 times of natural average speed .

  19. 重庆三峡库区生态安全研究

    Study on ecological security in Three Gorges reservoir area of Chongqing

  20. 广西大化水库库区喀斯特地形和渗漏分析

    Karst landforms and leakage analyses of Dahua Reservoir Area in Guangxi

  21. 长江三峡库区江段沉积物的重金属污染特征

    Heavy metal pollution in sediments from the Three Gorge Reservoir Area

  22. 三峡库区移民居住区人居环境建设初探&以巫山县大昌新镇移民居住区设计为例

    Exploring Construction of Dwelling Environment of Immigrant Community in Three-gorges Area

  23. 三峡库区库岸防护工程研究

    Research on Reservoir Bank Protection Works for Three Gorges Reservoir Areas

  24. 三峡库区农林复合生态系统的效益评价

    Benefit Assessment of Agroforestry Ecosystems in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  25. 三峡库区体育旅游资源优势研究

    Research of Advantages of Sports Tourism Resource in the Three Gorges

  26. 三峡库区典型塌岸模式研究

    Types of typical bank slope collapses on the Three Gorges Reservoir

  27. 三峡重庆库区渔业开发途径

    The way of fisheries development in Chongqing area of Sanxia reservoir

  28. 三峡库区消落带土壤氮素吸附释放规律

    Adsorption & Release of Nitrogen of Soils in Three Gorges Reservoir

  29. 滑坡宏观机理研究&以长江三峡库区为例

    Landslide mechanisms-A case study of the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir area

  30. 三峡库区紫红色泥岩的崩解特性研究

    The disintegration features of the red mud in the Three Gorges