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  1. H(KF)-1型智能化库伦分析仪的研制

    H_ ( KF ) - Model 1 Intelligent Coulomb Analyser

  2. 我们用库伦定律解释它,力作为距离r的函数,让我们考虑一下。

    We can use the Coulomb force law to explain this where we can describe the force as a function of r.

  3. 主要内容包括:1.利用极限分析上限法则,讨论了由库伦材料组成的双平行圆形隧道支护反力最小上限解,并采用数值分析软件Matlab对最小上限解的一些影响参数进行了分析研究。

    The study mainly includes : 1 . Discuss the minimum upper boundary solution of the support counter-force of the circular bi-tunnel parallel build in linear elastic medium by the limit analysis upper bound law , and study the relevant parameters by Matlab . 2 .

  4. 澳洲航空称,其成功得益于它的葡萄酒专门小组。该小组成立于2003年,由三名澳大利亚葡萄酒生产商组成:万尼亚·库伦(VanyaCullen)、斯蒂芬·潘内尔(StephenPannell)和汤姆·卡森(TomCarson)。

    Qantas says its success lies in its wine panel , created in 2003 and comprising three Australian winemakers : Vanya Cullen , Stephen Pannell and Tom Carson .

  5. 基于摩尔库伦模型和剑桥模型的研究,初步建立了模拟月壤的本构模型,结合模拟月壤、福建中级砂和ISO标准砂的静力三轴试验成果,对该本构模型进行验证。

    Owing to the study of Mohr-colomb model and Cam-clay model , constitutive model of lunar soil simulant is initially established . With triaxial test results , it is proved that this model can accurately simulate its stress-strain relations . 3 .

  6. 此外还详细介绍了程序中处理带电粒子之间库伦碰撞所采用的Nanbu模型。

    In addition , the treating of Coulomb collisions between the charged particles with the model proposed by Nanbu is discussed in detail .

  7. 实验条件下测得在外电阻500?时,该MFC的最大功率密度为85.1mW/m2,库伦效率为38.2%。

    The MFC achieved a maximum power density of 85.1mW/m2 and coulombic efficiency of 38.2 % with the external resistance of 500 ? under the experimental condition .

  8. 我们的结果显示极化子的运动速度被格点内的库伦排斥能抑制了。极化子的饱和速度在小U时是四倍左右声速,而大U时则是声速。

    Our results show that the velocity of the polaron is suppressed by the on-site Coulomb interactions , U. The polaron can move with a supersonic velocity , about four times the sound velocity at the small U limit , and approaching the sound velocity at the large U limit .

  9. 27岁的汤姆-库伦曾在2011年获得英国独立电影奖最有前途新人奖。此次,他将出演Gillingham爵士,唐顿庄园一家的老朋友。他的出现将会使大小姐重展笑颜。

    Cullen , 27 , who was named most promising newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards in 2011 , will play Lord Gillingham , an old family friend whose appearance could raise a smile from the face of the cynical Lady Mary .

  10. 我们去年在艾莱克斯库伦身上花了多少时间?

    How many hours we bill Alex Cullen for last year ?

  11. 库伦一家每隔两个月都要外出度假一次。

    The Cullens went out for holidays at two months intervals .

  12. 卡莱尔:我听说警长的女儿在这儿。查理:库伦医生

    Carlisle : I heard the ' s daughter was here .

  13. 浅谈库伦理论在施工中的应用

    Simple talk about the application of Coulomb Theory in construction

  14. 金属中电子气体的屏蔽库伦势

    The Screened Coulomb Potential of the Electron Gas in Metal

  15. 低能π&核散射的库伦效应

    Coulomb effect in π - nucleus scattering at low energy

  16. 引力能就是电势能,库伦电势。

    The attractive energy is just the potential energy , Coulombic potential .

  17. 这是每电荷库伦,这是每摩尔库伦。

    This is coulombs per charge and this is coulombs per mole .

  18. 库伦旗现有寺庙历史沿革与现状调查

    Historical Evolution and Investigation on Present Situation of Existing Temples in Hure Banner

  19. 所以库伦家族离开了小镇,贝拉游荡了好几个月。

    So the Cullen family leave town and Bella mopes for months and months .

  20. 1779年内蒙古库伦地震考证与讨论

    The survey and discussion of the earthquake in kulun , inner mongolia , 1779

  21. 有一个东西叫做库伦引力。

    There is a Coulombic force of attraction .

  22. 带电荷原子间的静电相互作用由库伦定律得到。

    The electrostatic interactions between charged carbon atoms are calculated using the Coulomb law .

  23. 论圆形断面井巷围岩弹塑性应力莫尔-库伦准则解答

    Discussion on Elastic-plastic Stress Solution of Circular Section Surrounding Rock Based on Mohr-Coulomb Criterion

  24. 库伦物体滚动摩擦定律的探讨

    On the rolling friction law of COULOMBIAN bodies

  25. 特别阐述了库伦理论和摩尔应力圆在这方面的应用。

    The applications of Coulomb 's theory and Mohr 's stress circle are expounded especially .

  26. 从防洪减灾和经济发展看库伦旗水土保持的作用

    Role of Soil and Water Conservation on Flood Control and Disaster Reduction and Economic Development

  27. 郭雪波,1948年生于内蒙古库伦旗,这里处于科尔沁沙地。

    Guo Xuebo was born in qure banner on inner mongolia 's Horqin sands in1948 .

  28. 皂甙元分析方法的研究&Ⅲ.薯蓣皂甙元库伦滴定法

    Studies on the method of the analysis of sapogenin ⅲ . coulometric titration of Diosgenin

  29. 你和库伦在一起了?

    So you and Cullen , huh ?

  30. 我以为你喜欢库伦一家。

    I thought you liked the Cullens .