
  • 网络Griffin;Griffin's;blake griffin;Griffon
  1. 祝你的底特律好运!格里芬

    Good luck in Detroit , Blake Griffin !

  2. 欢迎来到底特律,格里芬

    Welcome to Detroit Blake Griffin !

  3. 本次旅行的最精彩部分是在巴尔格里芬看了一天赛马。

    The high point of this trip was a day at the races in Balgriffin .

  4. 格里芬先生坐在椅子上猛地向前一凑。

    Mr Griffin jerked forward in his chair

  5. 格里芬先生急匆匆地做了个手势。

    Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture .

  6. 格里芬先生遗憾地笑了笑。

    Mr Griffin gave a regretful smile

  7. 格里芬在被解聘之后对《克瑞恩芝加哥商业报》(Crain'sChicagoBusiness)说,他以为自己肩负着改革时代公司的使命。

    Mr. Griffin assumed he had a mandate to change Time , he told Crain 's Chicago Business after his ouster .

  8. 在2009年的NBA选秀大会上,格里芬被快船队用状元签选中。

    Griffin was drafted first overall by the Clippers in the 2009 NBA draft .

  9. 格里芬双列杂交育种方法2配合力分析的SAS实施

    SAS Programs for Combining Ability Analysis of Griffing 's Diallel-Cross Design of Method ⅱ

  10. 格里芬曾在时代华纳公司(TimeWarnerInc.)旗下的时代公司(TimeInc.)担任首席执行长不到半年时间,于2011年2月被解雇。任职期间他曾积极推动改革。

    He was fired in February 2011 after less than six months as CEO of Time Inc. , where he aggressively pressed for change .

  11. 格里芬开始从篮球运营中抽时间在NBA电视节目上露面,四月,他接受了鹈鹕队递来的橄榄枝。

    Griffin took time off from basketball operations and did NBA TV appearances . He accepted the job with the Pelicans in April .

  12. 赖纳把舍克介绍给查德·格里芬(ChadGriffin)。格里芬曾担任克林顿的白宫副官,现在是“人权运动”组织(HumanRightsCampaign)的主席。

    Mr. Reiner introduced Ms. Schake to Chad Griffin , a former aide in the Clinton White House who is now the president of the Human Rights Campaign .

  13. 只要Zynga一声召唤,格里芬就会拿起电话,告诉他的平台愿意为任何人开放。

    If Zynga calls , Griffin will pick up the phone , saying his platform is open to all .

  14. 当地投行dragoncapital的多米尼克斯格里芬(dominicscriven)指出,纵然天有不测风云,有些公司也有自己的法宝来应对。

    Hidden horrors there may be , but some firms also have hidden treasure , notes Dominic Scriven of dragon capital , a local investment bank .

  15. 格里芬没有得到任何贸易条款作为新合同的一部分,消息人士告诉ESPN的拉莫娜-谢伯恩。

    Griffin did not get a no-trade clause as part of the new contract , sources told ESPN 's Ramona Shelburne .

  16. 如果快船继续把自己打造成NBA的一流球队,格里芬很有可能快速提升排名,但是现在排名第三,对他的综合能力略有质疑,也是可以理解的嘛。

    He has a great chance to climb up the rankings quickly if the Clippers continue to establish themselves as one of the NBA 's elite teams , but this early , skepticism is understandable .

  17. 格里芬平均每场拿下24.8分,有9.6个篮板和4.4次助攻,带领快船队获得NBA现今最佳战绩,也是在保罗被交易离队之后,球队打出了最好的获胜分差。

    Griffin is averaging 24.8 points , 9.6 boards and 4.4 assists in leading the Clippers to the NBA 's best record and the best scoring differential in the wake of Paul 's departure via trade .

  18. 总部位于伦敦的声誉管理公司RegesterLarkinLtd。的首席执行长格里芬(AndrewGriffin)说,他怀疑新闻集团内部可能直到不久前才把窃听事件定性为“危机”。

    ' I doubt whether it was internally ever called a'crisis'until very recently , 'says Andrew Griffin , chief executive of the London-based reputation-management firm Regester Larkin Ltd.

  19. 布雷克-格里芬已经和快船达成共识,签下5年1.73亿美元的合同,联盟的线人向ESPN确认。

    Blake Griffin has reached agreement on a five-year , $ 173 million deal with the Los Angeles Clippers , league sources confirmed to ESPN on Friday .

  20. 比如在时代公司高度机密的招聘过程中,格里芬只跟少数时代员工谈过话。据那位知情人士说,这在一定程度上是因为他曾在竞争对手梅雷迪思公司(MeredithCorp.)工作过。

    Mr. Griffin , for instance , spoke with only a few Time staffers during its highly confidential search & partly because he worked for rival magazine publisher Meredith Corp. , according to the informed individual .

  21. 格里芬相信,凭借Betable公司在申请监管批准方面的领先地位,Betable现在至少已经有了足够的筹码在赌桌上玩下去。

    At the very least , betable has wagered its regulatory head start will be enough chips to stay at the table .

  22. 斯蒂文斯理工学院机械工程学系的大二学生克莱尔・格里芬(ClaireGriffin)解释道:“对于已经有房子的人来说,这是能用来提高房子节能效率的最有创新性、最简便的东西之一。”

    This is one of the most innovative things and one of the easiest things somebody who already owns a house can do to make it more energy efficient , ' explained Claire Griffin , a Stevens sophomore studying mechanical engineering .

  23. 据ESPN得到的消息,在格里芬召集骑士队球员开会并告诉他们布拉特被解雇的消息之前,这位骑士队的球星对此并不知情。

    A source close to James told ESPN that the Cavs star " didn 't know this was coming " before Griffin gathered the players at the practice facility to inform them that Blatt had been fired .

  24. 斯蒂文斯理工学院机械工程学系的大二学生克莱尔&12539;格里芬(ClaireGriffin)解释道:对于已经有房子的人来说,这是能用来提高房子节能效率的最有创新性、最简便的东西之一。

    ' This is one of the most innovative things and one of the easiest things somebody who already owns a house can do to make it more energy efficient , ' explained Claire Griffin , a Stevens sophomore studying mechanical engineering .

  25. 本周,一张照片被发表,喜剧演员凯西·格里芬(KathyGriffin)在其中举着血淋淋的类似特朗普总统被斩首的头颅的道具,而格里芬被美国有线电视新闻网炒了鱿鱼,并且被公开谴责。

    And this week , comedienne Kathy Griffin wore a pussy blouse and held a bloodied prop in the likeness of President Trump 's decapitated head in images from a photo shoot , for which Griffin was fired from her CNN job and publicly rebuked .

  26. 在这个十年开始的时候,科比拿回了两个总决赛冠军和两个总决赛MVP,场均23分,除了助攻和“十佳球”之外,将保罗或者格里芬排在科比的前面都是可笑的,特别是保罗。

    During the start of this decade , Kobe won back 2 back titles & was back 2 back finals MVP . He also averaged 23ppg . The idea of CP3 or Blake being ahead of Kobe on any list other than assists and highlights respectively is laughable . Especially CP3 .

  27. 格里芬明白这对他的意义重大。

    Griffin understood that this could be very big for him .

  28. 两周后,格里芬将被交易到底特律活塞。

    Griffin would be traded to Detroit two weeks later .

  29. 格里芬认识到了詹姆斯带领的球队的两个关键方面。

    Griffin recognized two key aspects of a team led by James .

  30. 格里芬续约快船,将签5年1.73亿美元的肥约

    Clips , Griffin agree to 5 years , $ 173M