
  • 网络lattice boltzmann method;lbm
  1. 用格子玻尔兹曼方法模拟非均匀介质中的电场响应

    Simulation of electric field response in the inhomogeneous medium using lattice Boltzmann method

  2. 格子玻尔兹曼方法是从微观领域出发进行数值计算的一种全新的正演模拟方法;

    The lattice Boltzmann method is a bran-new forward modeling method starting from the microcosmic field .

  3. 用格子玻尔兹曼方法研究流动-反应耦合的非线性渗流问题

    Lattice Boltzmann simulation for nonlinear flow in porous media with coupling reaction

  4. 用元胞自动机和格子玻尔兹曼方法研究交通流的有关问题

    Cellular Automaton and Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Traffic Flow Problems

  5. 介绍了用格子玻尔兹曼方法模拟非均匀介质中的电场响应的数值模拟方法。

    A numerical method for simulating electric field response in the inhomogeneous medium is introduced using lattice Boltzmann method .

  6. 采用格子-玻尔兹曼方法(LBM),模拟研究微通道结构限制下微细布朗颗粒的运动。

    Lattice Boltzmann method , as a new numerical technique , was used to simulate the Brownian motion of a colloidal particle in microchannels .