
  • 网络cusco;CUZCO;cuz
  1. 马丘比丘又称“古老的山巅”(OldPeak)是哥伦布发现美洲大陆以前的印加古城,位于秘鲁印加圣谷(UrubambaValley)之上的海拔2430米的山脉之上,靠近库斯科。

    Machu Picchu (" Old Peak ") is a pre-Columbian Inca city located at2,430 m ( 7,970 ft ) altitude on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru , near Cusco .

  2. 我很庆幸我在前往秘鲁的库斯科市(11154英尺[约合3400米])以及攀爬印加圣谷(SacredValleyoftheIncas,9000英尺[约合2743米])时做了这些预防措施。

    I was glad I did when traveling to Cusco , Peru ( 11154 feet ) and climbing in the Sacred Valley of the Incas ( 9000 feet ) .

  3. 该公司在库斯科的基础上,古老的心脏

    The company , based in Cusco , the heart of the ancient

  4. 他们亦想要鼓励观光客继续参观库斯科。

    They also want to encourage tourists to continue to visit Cusco .

  5. 大多数身为统治者的木乃伊被保存在库斯科。

    Most of the mummies of the rulers were kept in Cuzco .

  6. 印开拓者-购买靴子在库斯科?

    Inca Trail-Buy boots in Cusco ?

  7. 这些蓝绿相间、醒目的西班牙式建筑就是著名的库斯科巴洛克风格。

    The blue and green buildings are in the dramatic Spanish style architecture known as Cusco Baroque .

  8. 有些甚至为了马丘比山遗址的重新开放而在库斯科等了一个星期。

    Some had been in Cuzco for over a week just waiting for Machu Picchu to re-open .

  9. 得到援助的另外几个城镇包括库斯科、利马、华努科和特雷希略。

    Several other towns including Cusco , Lima , Huanuco and Trujillo also benefit from these medical missions .

  10. 库斯科的王宫拥有大量金银,它的太阳神庙非常壮观。

    Cuzco , the royal palace with large gold and silver , it is very spectacular temple of the sun .

  11. 简易的方式乘坐每天一班的秘鲁列车,从库斯科到安第斯。

    The simple way is to take PeruRail 's daily train between the town of Cuzco and the Andean site .

  12. 这是一个种族主义很严重的国家,“托莱多在竞选运动的最后一站古印加帝国的首都库斯科说道:”就算最杰出的领导层也很难接受像我这样的人来统治这个国家。

    " This is a very racist society ," Toledo said during his final campaign stop in the highlands city of Cuzco .

  13. 库斯科有很多旅店和酒吧,是一座有活力的城市,在那儿你可以看到印第安人和西班牙人的文化和艺术。

    Cuzco is a lively city with many hotels and inns , where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen .

  14. 印加人居住在南美洲,印加帝国的首都库斯科也是一个人口有10~20万的大城市。

    India and living in South America , the capital of the Inca empire Cuzco is a population of10 million to20 major cities .

  15. 没有得到远足靴尚未,但只是不知道如果有谁知道它是很容易买在库斯科?

    Haven 't got hiking boots as yet but just wondering if anyone knows if it is easy enough to buy them in Cusco ?

  16. 雇佣一名向导,带你踏上从库斯科到马丘比丘的四天之旅,马丘比丘曾是印加帝国重要的军事要塞。

    Hire a guide to take you on the four-day journey from Cuzco to Machu Picchu , once a great mountain stronghold of the Inca .

  17. 离马丘比丘的印加城不远就是萨克赛瓦曼——位于库斯科之外的一堵奇怪的石头路堤。

    Not far from the famous Inca city of Machu Picchu lies Sacsayhuaman , a strange embankment of stone walls located just outside of Cuzco .

  18. 不管是徒步还是坐火车,大多数游客都会在库斯科停留至少两个晚上,这里在飞往利马的机场和古城之间,可以作为适应海拔高度的过渡地带。

    Whether hiking or riding the rails , most travelers stop for at least a couple of nights in Cuzco , home to the nearest airport and a historic city in which to get acclimated to the altitude .

  19. 相对于它的年龄来说——特别是考虑到这片区域地震频发——完好程度让人惊讶。但因西班牙在库斯科抢夺此遗迹,并在上面建造教堂,使遗迹的顶部有部分损坏。

    The monument is in astonishingly good condition for its age , especially considering the region 's propensity for earthquakes , but the tops of the walls are somewhat demolished , as the monument was plundered by the Spanish to build churches in Cuzco .

  20. 奇怪的形状和角度使人们猜测它有更具代表性的功能——例如鸟瞰紧挨着库斯科的那堵墙时,像是美洲豹的头。

    The strange shape and angles of the wall have led some speculate that it may have had a more symbolic function , one example being that the wall , when seen next to Cuzco from above , forms the shape of the head of a Cougar .