
yīng fù zhànɡ kuǎn
  • account payable;debit balance in supplier's account
  1. BS1的专业时间帐单-时间计费及会计软件:应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,库存,时间计费和销售分析软件。

    BS1 Professional Time Billing-time billing and accounting software : Accounts Payable , Accounts Receivable , General Ledger , Inventory , Time Billing and Sales Analysis software .

  2. 比尔的会计工作有一部分是处理应付帐款。

    Part of Bill 's job in accounting is accounts payable .

  3. 所有价格引述和应付帐款,在美元。

    All prices are quoted and payable in US Dollars .

  4. 我们将尽最大努力从债务人那里收取应付帐款。

    We shall endeavor to collect the amounts receivable from the ~ s.

  5. 指不能归属于应付帐款之款项。

    Payables that cannot be classified as accounts payable .

  6. 付钱,结帐付清(欠款或应付款)集团内部应收帐款和应付帐款

    To pay ( money owed or due ) . intra-group receivables and payables

  7. 记私人日记或日记帐&应付帐款的记录;

    To keep a personal or financial journal .

  8. 子公司营业收入明细帐应付帐款比销售收入

    Subsidiary revenue ledger Accounts Payable to Sales

  9. 用手工填写支票上的应付帐款,并更新支票登记簿上的详细信息。

    Accounts payable fill out manual cheques and update the cheque register with the details .

  10. 对应付帐款的期中审计工作

    Interim audit work of accounts payable

  11. 天应收帐款和应付帐款天;

    Days receivable and days payable ;

  12. 对应付帐款的帐龄分析及与供应商对帐等,工作量大效率高。

    On the ageing of accounts payable and reconciliation with suppliers , heavy workload and high efficiency .

  13. 如果开立定期存款帐户,应付帐款平均到期比率

    Average accounts payable period ratio

  14. 应付帐款记录是否定期总帐控制帐核对?多长时间核对一次?

    Is the accounts payable register reconciled regularly with the general ledger control account ? How Often ?

  15. 协助应付帐款处理与成本控制有关的日常业务。

    Assist in the day to day function of the Accounts Payable section relating to Cost Control .

  16. 准确核算应付帐款、应收帐款、库存、采购成本、销售收入、固定资产等。

    Record accurately AP , AR , Inventory , Purchase Cost , Sales Income , Capital , etc.

  17. 联邦预算国民收入帐户应付帐款比销售收入

    Accounts Payable to Sales

  18. 应付帐款的记录;应付帐款明细分类帐

    Accounts payable records

  19. 哦,不会。应付帐款可以用我们从应收帐款收回的钱来支付。

    No , we won ' t.The accounts payable can be paid by the money we collect from accounts receivable .

  20. 你准备一个完整的维修记录,销售,收入和支出,应付帐款和应收款?

    Are you prepared to upkeep a complete record of sales , income and expenses , accounts payable and receivables ?

  21. 在履行各种职能,包括应收帐目处理,应付帐款,总帐,总的综合银行。

    The various functions performed include the processing of accounts receivable , accounts payable , general ledger , and total integrated banking .

  22. 请问这句话大概意思是什么意思,为什么作调整的时候只冲减应付帐款$980余额呢?

    A contra enty of $ 980 was recorded in the payables ledger control account , but not in the payables ledger .

  23. 全部会计职能,包括一般会计责任,客户帐单,应收帐款和应付帐款,总帐,库存,税收。

    Full Accounting Functions , including general account responsibilities , customer billings , accounts receivables and payables , general ledger , inventory , taxation .

  24. 应付帐款:购进货物和(或)劳务之后,对第三方应付而尚未支付的金额。

    Accounts payable : Amounts due and payable to third parties for goods and / or services purchased for which payments have not been made .

  25. 应付帐款、应付单据、持久债务确当期分担费用额,以及诸如应付关饷和应付税款等种种应计项目都是流动欠债。

    Examples are accounts payable , notes payable , the current portion of long-term debt , and various accrued items such as salaries payable and taxes payable .

  26. 您将负责会计涉及的各项工作,包括会计应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,银行对账单和工资和月末等等。

    You will perform all aspects of accounting activities , including accounts payable , accounts receivable , general ledger , bank reconciliation and payroll and month-end activities .

  27. 负责分公司物资的核算,应收应付帐款的催收和确认,费用的审核,发票的开具,分公司和总公司的对接等。

    Responsible for accounting of materials for the branches , collecting and recognizing receivables and payables , reviewing expenses , issuing invoices , connecting the branches and head office , etc.

  28. 而一般现金的支出,包括工资支付,应付帐款的支付,购买资产,支付各种开销,都记人现金帐目的贷方,减少了资产帐。

    Common types of cash disbursements which are credited to the cash account and decrease the asset account include payment of wages , payment of accounts payable , the purchase of assets , and the payment of various expenses .

  29. 应付帐目,应付帐款你是按定期转帐的办法付款吗?

    Payable account Do you pay your bills by standing order ?