
yīng fù piào jù
  • Notes payable;bill payable
  1. 这项行动将会降低资产负债表上应付票据的金额。

    This action would reduce notes payable on the balance sheet .

  2. 应付票据和利息费用的核算。

    Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities .

  3. 应付票据一般是在获得银行贷款时签发的。

    Notes payable are issued whenever bank loans are obtained .

  4. 公司购买长期资产时经常使用分期付款方式或使用远期应付票据。

    Companies often purchase plant assets on an installment plan , or by issuing a note payable .

  5. 作为该笔贷款的证据,银行将要求太阳风公司签发一张应付票据。

    As evidence of this loan , the bank will require Solarwind Company to issue a note payable .

  6. 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项-关系人;

    Long-term notes and accounts payables due within one year or one operating cycle to related parties-current portion ;

  7. 每个债券都代表一个长期的、计息的应付票据,其面值通常为10美元。

    Each bond represents a long-term , interest-bearing note payable , usually in the face amount of $ 10 .

  8. 买东西如购买汽车信贷发行期票的东西创建一个称为应付票据的账户。

    Buying something such as a car on credit and issuing promissory note creates a liability called notes payable .

  9. 短期应付票据是一种常见的融资方式,它是指在一年内到期应付票据。

    Short-term notes payable , a common form of financing , are notes payable that are due within one year .

  10. 如果它是一所房子或建筑物被用期票购买,它会被称为抵押贷款应付票据。

    If it were a house or building being purchased with a promissory note , it would be called a mortgage note payable .

  11. 应付票据通常要求借款人支付利息。一般来说,利率与票据的本金分开,单独表述。

    Notes payable usually require the borrower to pay an interest charge . Normally , the interest rate is stated separately from the principal amount of the note .

  12. 从广州分公司的资金运作实践出发,简要介绍应付票据贴现、国内保理业务以及资金运作国际化的基本做法。

    In view of the practice of capital operation practice of Guangdong Branch , briefly introduced the basic methods of bills discounting , protective arrangement and international capital operation .

  13. 应收票据和应付票据的金额抵消以后,有顺差的银行将在人民银行的账户内增加存款。

    After offsetting the amount of checks receivable and that of checks payable , the banks which have favorable balances will increase their deposits in the People 's Bank Of China .

  14. 细心阅读你想购买的“应付抵押票据”的协议书。

    Review carefully the mortgage agreement of any bank notes that you want to purchase .

  15. 指商业应付之各种票据。

    Various notes to be paid by the business .

  16. 应付已背书票据帐户

    Endorsed notes payable account

  17. 当然,应收支票(票据)金额与应付支票(票据)金额相等。

    The amount of checks ( notes ) receivable is , of course , equivalent to that of checks ( notes ) payable .

  18. 应付债券的核算与应付票据的核算很相似。

    Accounting for bonds payable closely parallels accounting for notes payable .

  19. 最常见的流动负债有应付账款、短期应付票据、长期负债的当期部分、应计负债和预收收入。

    Among the most common examples of current liabilities are accounts payable , short-term notes payable , the current portion of long-term debt , accrued liabilities , and unearned revenue .