
yīng fù kuǎn
  • account payable;customary dues;dues
  1. 扣除税款、应付款和保险费等后的实发工资。

    What is left of your pay after deductions for taxes and dues and insurance etc.

  2. 举例说,假定你需要检查超过25000美元的全部到期应付款发货票的顾客文件,并需要准备出一份报告。

    For example , suppose you need to review the customer files for all invoices for payments due in excess of $ 2500 and prepare a simple report .

  3. 应付款明细分类账帮助企业保留供应商的经常性付款。

    The accounts payable subsidiary helps the company stay current in payments to suppliers .

  4. 从这些日记账过账到总分类账和应付款明细分类账。

    Posting from these journals is to general ledger and to the amounts payable subsidiary ledger .

  5. 使用进货日记账,现金支付日记账,和应付款明细分类账。

    Use the purchases journal , the cash disbursements journal , and the accounts payable subsidiary ledger .

  6. 负责及时准确处理所有应收/应付款、工资、保险报告、销售税/薪资税报告等事宜。

    Responsible for the accurate and timely processing of accounts payable / receivable , payroll , insurance reports , and sales tax / payroll tax reporting .

  7. 使用此表单可列出订单包含的所有项目、应付款总额和要求的交付日期,并核准交付指定的项目。

    Use this form to list the total items , total amount due , and required delivery dates for an order , and to authorize the delivery of the specified items .

  8. 应付款审计的重要性可能比较小,因为供货商通常会出现这样或那样的问题。然而,保证负债既不被低估又不被夸大却非常重要。

    Accounts payable accounts payable may have less audit significance , as suppliers will normally raise any problems . however , it is important to establish that liabilities are neither understated nor overstated .

  9. 商业信贷中应收款和应付款普遍的期限错配特征,形成在宏观紧缩政策冲击下银行信贷渠道和商业信贷渠道交互作用机制下的资金链风险。

    The receivables and payables in the commercial credit featuring term mismatch entail risks of capital chain , which arise from the interaction between " banking credit channel " and " commercial credit channel " under the impact of macro austerity policy .

  10. 公司签发给G公司的用于支付其应付账款的支票8#计5美元在现金支出日记账中记为5美元。

    Check No. 8 for $ 5 to G company on account was recorded in cash payment journal as $ 5 .

  11. SAPERP系统中财务模块下应付账款模块对所有供应商的财会数据进行管理。

    The receivable accounts module under the financial modules in SAP ERP system would administrate all suppliers'accounting data .

  12. SAPERP系统源在财务会计这个功能下主要有总分类账、应收账款、应付账款、银行和固定资产等等。

    The functions of SAP ERP system source under the module of financial accounting consist of general ledger , receivable accounts , payable accounts , bank and fixed assets , etc.

  13. 在Y企业的往来账款业务流程层面,公司有着非常具体的业务流程和严格的内部控制制度,而企业的应付账款、内部往来账款的流程是与SAP系统紧密结合而设计的。

    The company has a very specific business processes and strict internal control system on the current accounts business level , while the process of corporate accounts payable , the internal current accounts is designed closely integrated with the SAP system .

  14. 管理应付账款、应收帐款和薪酬部门。

    Managed accounts payable , accounts receivable , and payroll departments .

  15. 应付账款通常不要求支付利息。

    Accounts payable usually do not require the payment of interest .

  16. 每月末负责应付账款科目明细调和;

    Responsible for accounts payable ledger reconciliation on a monthly basis ;

  17. 根据客户公司的要求提供供应商应付账款的信息。

    Provide information on supplier accounts on demand from local entities .

  18. 关于应付账款机会成本的思考

    On the thoughts of opportunity cost in Account payable The Time Account

  19. 债务包括贷款、应付账款、未付款的采购件等等。

    Debts include loans , AP , goods received without payment , etc.

  20. 应收账款和应付账款浅议地勘单位施工企业应收账款管理

    Accounts Receivable Management in Construction Enterprises of Geological Prospecting Units

  21. 应付账款指公司欠其供应商的钱。

    Accounts Payable Money the company owes to its'suppliers .

  22. 我想,对一些应付账款,我们应该逐渐延些时间。

    I think we should start delaying payments on certain of our accounts .

  23. 购销应付账款是供应商提供的购买商品的短期负债。

    Trade accounts payable are short-term obligations to suppliers for purchases or merchandise .

  24. 他已付清账单(应付之款/订阅费/税金)。

    He has paid his bills ( dues / subscriptions / taxes ) .

  25. 负责处理应收账款、应付账款及银行对账工作。

    Handle A / R , A / P , and bank reconciliation .

  26. 每月应收账款和应付账款对账。

    AP and AR reconciliation in a monthly manner .

  27. 我们下个月会付大额的应付账款吗?

    Shall we pay large amount of accounts payable in the next month ?

  28. 履行建筑费用的应付账款职责。

    Performed accounts payable functions for construction expenses .

  29. 公司与供货商交易时因其延长信贷而产生应付账款。

    Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with supplies who extend credit .

  30. 其他应付账款包括除购买商品之外的其他任何货物和劳务的负债。

    Other accounts payable include liabilities for any goods and services other than merchandise .