
  1. 《汉书》应劭注双音词有单纯词、重言词和合成词三类。

    Double syllabled words can be divided into three kinds-single words , compound words and speech-stressed words .

  2. 应劭有感于社会的动荡,民心的狂躁,认为起义与社会风俗有关。

    Ying Shao thought the social unrest , and the uprising have something with the social customs .

  3. 应劭是汝南应氏家族的一员,从小就接受家庭正统教育和传统儒家思想的熏陶,使之确立了维护封建统治阶级的观念。

    Ying Shao is a member of Runan Ying Family , he received formal education from an early age and the influence of traditional Confucianism , so that established his concept of maintaining the feudal ruling class .

  4. 本文以探讨《风俗通义》中记载的汉代一些重要风俗为目的。分为三部分:第一章,应劭及《风俗通义》研究。

    This paper is for the purpose of discussing some important custom of the Han Dynasty recorded in " Fengsutongyi " . Divided into three parts : The first chapter , the research is about Ying Shao and " Fengsutongyi " .