
  1. 佛教如何因应现时代的需要,与世界接轨,建立对话交流的平台,以促进世界和平。

    How does Buddhism respond to modern needs in order to promote world peace through connecting with the world and establishing exchange platforms ?

  2. 叙利亚一些活动人士和来自叙利亚全国委员会(SyrianNationalCouncil)的叙反对派成员曾敦促国际社会不要把自己的行动局限在安理会的授权范围内,应在现为反对派控制的部分叙利亚地区设置禁飞区。

    Some Syrian activists and opposition members from the Syrian National Council urged the international community to act outside the mandate of the Security Council by imposing a no-fly zone over some parts of Syria now in control of rebels .

  3. 当没有具体规定时,应与现用继电式电气集中联锁设备的操作方式保持一致。

    When there 's no specific requirement , the operation mode shall be consistent with that of the existing all-relay interlocking equipment .

  4. 经过对不同法律保护模式的分析和比较,以著作权方式对民间音乐作品实施保护无疑应是现阶段一种务实而明智的选择。

    Based on the analyzing and comparison between different legal protection modes , this thesis concludes that the most reasonable and practicable mode is to introduce in copyright protection .

  5. 帮助非洲实现减贫发展和“联合国千年发展目标”,以及共享全球化成果,应是现阶段我们对非洲外交最适宜高举的旗帜。

    It is nowadays the most appropriate banner for us to hold to help realize African poverty reduction and development , MDGs and help Africa capable of sharing the benefits of globalization .

  6. 进行苜蓿种子生产时,应确保现蕾至初花期0~50cm土层的土壤水分。

    But water content in deeper soil layer was less affected . During alfalfa seed production processes , soil water of 0 ~ 50 cm should be ensured at budding and first flower stages .

  7. 然后,对上市公司财务报告质量及评估观点进行了阐述,构建了我国上市公司财务报告质量的评估体系,并着重强调可靠性应是现阶段财务信息质量特征中的首要指标。

    Secondly , I discuss the concept and evaluation viewpoint of financial report quality , design financial report quality evaluation model for Chinese listed companies , and emphasize that the reliability should be the most important index in accounting information quality characteristics in current .

  8. 《建筑抗震设计规范》规定,作为上部结构嵌固部位的地下室顶板应采用现浇梁板结构,这给广大工程技术人员在应用薄壁箱体现浇混凝土空心板时造成了困惑。

    According to the " Seismic Design of Buildings ", the structure of the cast slab should be used as the upper structure mounted parts of the basement roof , but that causing confusion to the majority of engineering and technical personnel in the application of thin-walled box of cast .

  9. 因此,我们应首先了解现阶段中美贸易现状,了解中美贸易的进出口额、进出口商品贸易结构等;

    Thus , it is important to learn the target and the causes in trade friction between China and the United States .

  10. 明天投票时,参议院应恢复“现收现支”法案,该法案是20世纪90年代政府实现创纪录盈余的一个重要原因。

    And when the vote comes tomorrow , the Senate should restore the pay-as-you-go law that was a big reason for why we had record surpluses in the1990s .

  11. 国有制应是我国现阶段社会主义公有制的特殊形式

    State-owned system should be a special form of socialist public-owned system of China at present

  12. 要有效地启动消费品市场,应深入地研究现阶段我国消费品买方市场的属性与类型。

    To efficiently start the consumer goods market , we should study deeply on the nature and types of it 's buyer 's market . Buyer 's market is classified into many types .

  13. 方法碾压混凝土拱坝的核心问题是温度应力问题,现阶段进行全过程诸多因素的耦合分析仍然面临许多困难。

    However , at present , if the coupling of multi-factors is considered , the full process of simulation analysis of RCC arch dam still faces many difficulties , which inspires a lot of challenging research .

  14. 上述替换品或补充品由卖方自担费用和风险运送到工作现场,紧急需要的设备应空运到工作现

    " The substitute and / or supplemented equipment shall be delivered to the Job Site at the Seller 's cost and risk , and the equipment in urgent need shall be airborne to the Job Site . "

  15. 同时,我们还应清醒地看到现阶段我国利用外资所带来的一些负效应,如对外商的倾斜政策加剧了地区间经济发展的不平衡,对我国民族工业造成冲击等问题。

    Meanwhile , we should keep a clear mind toward the side effects caused by the utilization of foreign funds in the current stage , such as the imbalance among regional economies resulting from favorable policy towards foreign capital and the impact on national industries .

  16. 由于国情的不同,普法教育应是我国现阶段法学教育的宗旨之一,重视并加大对普法教育的投入是促进我国现阶段法学教育健康发展的必备条件。

    Due to the differences of national conditions , the widespread education of the law should be one of the goals of law education at the current stage . Growing attention and devotion to it is the essential condition of promoting the normal development of law education in China .