
yìng yòng
  • application;be used;use;apply;utilize;employ;appliance;put to use
应用 [yìng yòng]
  • [apply;put to use;be used] 适用需要,以供使用

  • 应用科学

应用[yìng yòng]
  1. 他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。

    His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics .

  2. 我们应努力学习经济理论并能应用。

    We should try to learn economic theory and apply it .

  3. 该系统免费附送九套应用软件。

    A further nine applications are bundled with the system .

  4. 这一概念相继应用于绘画、建筑和雕塑中。

    This concept has been applied successively to painting , architecture and sculpture .

  5. 在那个时期,计算机的应用迅速流传开来。

    Use of computers spread rapidly during that period .

  6. 大蒜广泛应用于中国民间医药。

    Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine .

  7. 这个软件是为学校应用设计的。

    The software is designed for use in schools .

  8. 我不必退出WordPerfect程序就可以打开其他应用程序。

    I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect .

  9. 相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏。

    The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives .

  10. 这些进步是巧妙应用科学的结果。

    These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science .

  11. 英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。

    British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem .

  12. 也许可以将这种技术应用于其他农作物。

    It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants .

  13. 个人电脑使用的多数应用软件的单价为500多美元。

    Most applications software for personal computers cost over $ 500 a throw .

  14. 自动调节甚高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。

    Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars .

  15. 他的项目是将这项技术应用于实际的商务问题。

    His project is concerned with applying the technology to practical business problems .

  16. 这些房屋将应用最新的节能技术。

    The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology

  17. 行业领袖希望科学家从事基础性研究,而非应用性研究。

    Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research , not applied research .

  18. 学生们学会了将课堂上学到的理论付诸实际应用。

    Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom

  19. 无论在大公司还是小公司,这些技术的应用几乎无处不在。

    The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike .

  20. 欧洲消费者在辨别信息技术应用的潮流上表现迟缓。

    Consumers in Europe are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology .

  21. 西蒙的书简明扼要地概括了人工智能及其在机器人技术方面的应用。

    Simon 's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics .

  22. 市场运作的规律被应用到该国某些最具影响力的机构。

    The principle of market forces was applied to some of the country 's most revered institutions

  23. 近年来,计算机应用取得长足进步的一个领域是国际象棋。

    An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess

  24. 该校“作为外语的英语教学”有两个模块:即语言教学的原则与方法和应用语言学。

    The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language , viz . Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics .

  25. 你应用10分钟解答第一部分的题。

    You should answer the questions in the first part in ten minutes .

  26. 这项新技术已应用于农业。

    The new technology was applied to farming .

  27. 电子计算机已越来越广泛地在各个领域得到应用。

    Computer has found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields .

  28. 由于它有兴奋剂的特性而被应用于医学。

    It is used in medicine for its stimulant quality .

  29. 这种药应用得很广泛。

    This medicine is widely used .

  30. 电子计算机在科学技术方面广泛的应用将使人们从复杂的计量和计算中摆脱出来。

    The wide application of electronic computers in science and technology will free man from the labour of complicated measurement and computation .