
ɡuān chá xìnɡ yán jiū
  • observational study
  1. 此前,在周五发表的一项大型观察性研究中发现,使用氯喹和羟氯喹的新冠病人患心脏病和死亡的风险会增加,因此做出这一决定。

    The move follows findings from a large observational study , published Friday , that found increased risk of heart problems and death in COVID-19 patients who used chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine .

  2. 会议召开前一天,《柳叶刀》发表了迄今针对疟疾药物最大的观察性研究,一些国家监管机构开始表现出对使用这种药物的担忧。

    The meeting came a day after the Lancet published the largest observational study of the malaria drugs to date , and as some national regulators began expressing concern about using the drug .

  3. 在一项未经同行评议的观察性研究中,牛津大学的研究人员研究了英国约2.5万人报告的饮酒量和他们的大脑扫描图像之间的关系。

    In an observational study , which has not yet been peer-reviewed , researchers from the University of Oxford1 studied the relationship between the self-reported alcohol intake2 of some 25000 people in the UK , and their brain scans .

  4. IMPROVE研究目前是全世界范围内关于糖尿病的最大的观察性研究。

    The IMPROVE study is the largest ever global observational study in diabetes .

  5. 这些结果紧跟在一项NewYork的观察性研究之后,发现在美国老年人的高叶酸水平和阿尔茨海默氏病的低风险之间存在一种较弱的联系。

    These results follow on the heels of an observational study in New York that found a weak link between higher folate levels and a lowered risk of Alzheimer 's disease in older Americans .

  6. 一项小型观察性研究中,对TDI证实为心室运动失同步的患者行CRT,不论其QRS宽度如何,患者在临床症状和逆转心室重构方面均有显著好转。

    In a small observational study , CRT conferred significant clinical and ventricular reverse-remodeling benefits regardless of QRS duration among patients with TDI-confirmed dyssynchrony .

  7. 医学在线新闻:他汀类药物治疗可能有助于预防心房颤动(AF)复发,一项对植入起搏器患者的观察性研究显示。

    MedWire News : Statin treatment may help to prevent atrial fibrillation ( AF ) recurrence , suggests an observational study of patients implanted with a pacemaker .

  8. Meta分析本质上是一种观察性研究,偏倚对Meta分析结果的真实性和可靠性有很大影响。

    Meta-analysis should be viewed as an observational study of the evidence . Bias often causes conflicting results of the meta-analysis and threatens its internal validity and reliability .

  9. 2006年出版在美国医学会杂志上的一项早期的观察性研究证实了EKG筛查的价值。

    An earlier observational study , published in The Journal of the American Medical Association in2006 , confirmed the value of EKG screening .

  10. 但是像Channer的观察性研究们可能是误导性的,迈阿密大学医学院心脏病学教授WilliamO'Neill医学博士指出。

    But observational studies like Channer 's can be misleading , notes William O'Neill , MD , professor of cardiology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine .

  11. 观察性研究系统评价/Meta-分析的方法

    How to Conduct A Systematic Review / Meta-analysis for Observational Studies

  12. 观察性研究方法与医院资料的统计分析

    Analysis of Hospital Data by Statistical Methods for Observational Studies

  13. 肾脏病的随机观察性研究:证据可靠性如何?

    Randomized and Observational Studies in Nephrology : How Strong Is the Evidence ?

  14. 最为重要的是观察性研究无法区分风险指标和偶然因素。

    Most importantly , observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors .

  15. 也因为绝大部分是观察性研究。

    Also , they were mostly observational studies .

  16. 他认为在这种观察性研究中存在着混杂偏倚。

    He accepted that there was potential for a confounding bias in such observational registries .

  17. 导致观察性研究和大规模随机临床试验结果之间不一致的可能原因有多种。

    There are multiple possible reasons for discrepant results between observational studies and large randomized trials .

  18. 结论:观察性研究中硒浓度与冠心病危险度呈负相关。

    Conclusions : Selenium concentrations were inversely associated with coronary heart disease risk in observational studies .

  19. 设计:此研究为回顾性研究,开放研究,观察性研究,分析研究。

    Design : The design of the study was analytical , observational , open , and retrospective .

  20. 贝茨博士说,与随机试验不同,关于吃早餐的观察性研究有可能会造成误导。

    Dr. Betts said that unlike randomized trials , observational studies of breakfast consumption could be misleading .

  21. 但是这样的观察性研究不具有确定性,因为这种差异可能是其他未知因素造成的。

    But such observational studies are not definitive because there could be unexplored factors that account for the differences .

  22. 所谓观察性研究即研究者并不控制研究比较结果,仅仅描述他们观察到的事实。

    An observational study is where researchers do not do controlled comparisons . They only describe what they observe .

  23. 在随后的几十年里,数十项观察性研究报告指出,吃早餐的人往往更瘦。

    In the decades that followed , dozens of observational studies reported that breakfast eaters tended to be leaner .

  24. 即便如此,一些观察性研究和短期实验仍暗示:经常不吃饭和健康状况不佳存在联系。

    Even so , several observational studies and short-term experiments have suggested an association between meal skipping and poor health .

  25. 很多观察性研究发现,血液中维生素D含量越高,患结肠癌的风险越低。

    Higher levels of vitamin D have been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer in many observational studies .

  26. 同时一些观察性研究,如队列研究、病例对照研究和历史对照研究等纳入用于敏感性分析。

    Observational studies such as cohort studies , cased-control studies , and historical controlled studies will be used for sensitivity analysis .

  27. 即便是那些精心设计、对这些变量已作调整的观察性研究也只能发现其中的相关性,而无法证实一种因果关系。

    Even carefully constructed observational studies that correct for such variables can only find correlations , not prove a cause-and-effect relationship .

  28. 咖啡健康益处的很多证据来自观察性研究,不能证明因果关系。

    Much of the evidence for coffee 's health benefits stems from observational studies , which cannot prove cause and effect .

  29. 这次观察性研究的结果与另外一项对1000人进行的电话调查的结果相冲突。

    The findings of the observational study conflicted with the findings of a separate telephone survey of about one thousand people .

  30. 吉西他滨联合顺铂3周方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的临床受益分析&前瞻性观察性研究

    Clinical benefit of gemcitabine plus cisplatin 3-week regimen for patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ): a prospective observational study