
ɡuān cè zhàn
  • observation station
  1. 来自国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站的天文学家杨光(音译)表示,没有任何科学证据表明,周五将是世界末日。

    Yang Guang , an astronomer at the National Astronomical Observatories satellite observation station in Changchun , said there is no scientific reason to think the world will end on Friday .

  2. 台风对GPS连续观测站天线相位中心影响研究

    Analysis of Typhoon Effect on GPS Continuous Observation Station Antenna Phase-center

  3. 去年,中国开设了其第四个观测站,正继续计划建第五个。

    It opened its fourth station last year and is pressing ahead with plans to build a fifth .

  4. 中国科学家近日宣布,中国高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO拉索)在银河系内发现大量超高能宇宙加速器,这一发现可能颠覆人类对银河系的认识,并有助于揭示宇宙线起源这个困扰了科学家一个世纪的问题。

    Chinese scientists have detected a dozen ultra-high-energy ( UHE ) cosmic accelerators within the Milky ( LHAASO ) .

  5. GPS准动态测量在地表移动观测站中的应用

    Application of GPS Quasi-kinetic Surveying in Observation Station of Surface Movement

  6. CAD技术在观测站设计工作中的应用

    The Application of CAD Techniques in Designing the Observation Station

  7. 基于GPS技术的首采面地表移动观测站数据处理

    Data processing of land surface movement observation station of first mining face based on GPS

  8. GPS观测站能够察觉到细微至毫米的火山锥体形状的变化;

    This instrumentation is sensitive to millimetric changes in the shape of the volcanic cone ;

  9. 这一发现来自于美国钱德拉太空X射线观测站收集的数据进行分析。

    The finding comes from analysis of data collected by the US Chandra space X-ray observatory .

  10. GPS技术在矿区地表移动观测站建立中的应用甚高频空间对地球遥测技术

    GPS Technology in Mining Area of Surface Observation Stations Set up Mobile Application vehicle-to-ground VHF telemetry

  11. 然而,为了实现这一点,需要在其他易发地震的区域建立类似的GPS观测站。

    For that to happen , however , similar GPS observations in other earthquake-prone areas are needed .

  12. 广州电离层观测站位于磁赤道附近(地磁经纬度:183.0°E,11.5°N)。

    Guangzhou Ionospheric Observatory is located near the geomagnetic equator ( geomagnetic coordinate 183.0 ° E , 11.5 ° N ) .

  13. 给出了一种利用圆方程和直线方程判断GPS卫星是否落在观测站天顶圆锥体范围内的方法和判据。

    A method of ascertain GPS within cone above observation station with circle equation and line equations , and adjudicate .

  14. 在概率论方法中,主要是利用有关海洋观测站的潮汐资料进行数理统计分析,采用皮尔逊III的频率分析模型计算出千年一遇和万年一遇的风暴潮。

    The tidal information of relative marine observation is analyzed by mathematical statistics for probabilistic method .

  15. 通过BP神经网络变量筛选方法,对被删除的观测站有影响的观测站进行筛选。

    With using BP neural network variables selection method , the observation stations which effect the deleted observation stations are filtered .

  16. 由此可见,对于板内土层GPS连续观测站的研究是GPS领域中的一项重要内容。

    That is why the study of the GPS fiducial station inside plates of soil is an important content of GPS observation .

  17. 利用洞庭湖水文观测站、环境监测站和实地考察资料,分析了洞庭湖湿地对氮(N)、磷(P)污染的净化功能。

    Useing of Dongting Lake hydrological observation stations , environmental monitoring data and on-the-spot investigation , Analysising of the Dongting Lake wetland on the N , P pollution-purification .

  18. 云南天文台VLBI观测站选址

    Site Selection for A VLBI Station at And Near the Yunnan Observatory

  19. 新一代宇宙线(包括伽玛射线)实验&大型高海拔大气簇射观测站(LargeHighAltitudeAirShowerObservatory,LHAASO)是一个平方公里级别的复合式阵列实验。

    A new generation of cosmic ray ( y ray included ) experiment & Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory is a compound detector array distributed in a kilometer square area .

  20. 韩国主要14个观测站的平均气温资料年与各季EOF相关特征分析。

    Analyses in14 Korean climate stations EOF ( empirical orthogonal function ) on average Temperature data .

  21. 结合数据相关性的分析、模糊C均值聚类和模糊分类系数的确定方法,给出了气象观测站优化调整的综合模型。

    In this paper , a composite model used as optimal regularization of meteorological stations has been established by integrating analysis of data , fuzzy C means ( FCM ) clustering and decision of fuzzy partition coefficient .

  22. 最终长春人造卫星观测站的SLR系统实现了常规白天KHz卫星激光测距。

    Finally , the SLR system in Changchun Satellite Observatory accomplishes the improvement of KHz SLR in daytime .

  23. 这些深地实验室包括:位于美国南卡罗来纳州里德一座废弃金矿里的桑福德地下研究所(SanfordUndergroundResearchFacility),位于意大利同名山脉下的格兰萨索国家实验室,位于加拿大安大略省的萨德伯里中微子观测站(SudburyNeutrinoObservatory),

    the Gran Sasso National Laboratory , beneath the mountain of that name in Italy ; the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Ontario , Canada ;

  24. 针对长春人造卫星观测站KHz测距系统论述了在白天运转条件下,典型的背景噪声量,估算白天探测概率。

    Typical background noise and successful detection rate in daytime is discussed base on KHz SLR system in Changchun Satellite Observatory .

  25. 文章介绍了VRS技术的系统构造、性能及优势,提出了建立厦门市GPS连续观测站网的初步构想。

    The paper introduces the system structure , properties and advantages of VRS and puts forward the initial concept for the building of XM-VRS .

  26. 采用快速离散傅立叶变换(FFT)、潮流调和分析以及小波(wavelet)变换等方法,分析了一个位于大陆架边缘海域定点连续观测站上的海流记录。

    Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ), Tidal Current Harmonic Analysis ( TCHA ), and Wavelet Transform ( WT ) are used to analyze current observations in the continental shelf sea area .

  27. GONG建设了6个地面观测站,持续监测太阳表面的振动,以得到它内部深层的活动情况。

    GONG comprises six ground-based observing sites that constantly monitor vibrations on the sun 's surface for signs of activity deep within its interior .

  28. 根据1961~2003年新疆90个气象观测站的地面观测资料计算得到新疆强冰雹天气81次,其持续时间在1~2d,出现在4~8月。

    According to the ground records of 90 Xinjiang meteorological observation stations from 1961 to 2003 , got eighty-one times heavy hail weather within 2 day from April to August .

  29. 它可以看做一个小型太空观测站,因为它携带有三个探测器——高能量X射线探测器、中能量X射线探测器、低能量X射线探测器。

    It 's regarded as a small observatory in space , as it carries a trio of detectors - the high energy X-ray telescope , the medium energy X-ray telescope and the low energy X-ray telescope .

  30. 用上海天文台佘山观测站的1.56m望远镜和CCD照相机,观测到彗-木碰撞的六次事件。

    Ix impacts are observed with the 1.56m telescope and a CCD camera system at the She Shan Station of the Shanghai Observatory .