
  • 网络World-class University;world class university
  1. 从世界一流大学发展的历史来看,大学的创业活动对学校的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    According to history of world-class university development , venture activity have made enormous contribution to the development of the school .

  2. 它的成功说明加强核心竞争力建设是创建世界一流大学的必由之路。

    Its success can tell us that strengthen construction of the core competitiveness is the only way to create a world-class university .

  3. 斯坦福大学作为世界一流大学之一,有许多学科都是世界一流的。

    As one of the world top universities , Stanford has many subjects that stand among the top ones in the world .

  4. 我国何时能建成世界一流大学&从GDP角度预测

    When will Chinese universities be able to become world-class & Forecasting from GDP perspective

  5. QS最佳大学城市排行的首席研究员本•萨奥特说,尽管伦敦拥有的世界一流大学数量比巴黎多,但学费更昂贵。

    Ben Sowter , lead researcher on QS Best Student Cities , said that though London had more world class universities than Paris it was more expensive .

  6. 和中国一样,澳大利亚有许多世界一流大学。

    Australia also has as many world class universities as China .

  7. 创建世界一流大学的行政措施探讨

    The Administrative Measures to Establish the First-rate Universities in the World

  8. 国内外一流大学形成模式案例比较研究世界一流大学形成研究

    Example Research for the Domestic and World First-class Universities Forming Pattern

  9. 国际化成为世界一流大学的显性特征。

    Globalization has become a dominant character of world first-class universities .

  10. 什么是世界一流大学

    On what 's the first - class university in the world

  11. 北京大学获国家级科技奖励分析&兼谈科技奖励在创建世界一流大学中的作用

    On the State Science & Technology Awards Acquired by Peking University

  12. 全球性大学排行榜中的世界一流大学世界一流大学的精神文化对我国创建世界一流大学的启示

    The Spiritual Culture of World-Class Universities and its Implications for China

  13. 世界一流大学图书馆的数字参考服务实践研究

    The Investigation on Digital Reference Services among World Top University Libraries

  14. 世界一流大学研究的现状及其走势分析

    On the Status quo and the Trend of World First Class Universities

  15. 世界一流大学的主要特征

    The Main Traits of the First-rate Universities in the World

  16. 试论世界一流大学的建设方略

    ON the strategy of constructing the world - class universities

  17. 国际化是世界一流大学的基本特征,国际化在世界一流大学的创建过程中具有特别重要的作用。

    Globalization is the main characteristic of a world first class university .

  18. 西方世界一流大学形成中的国家干预

    On state intervention of world class universities in western countries

  19. 世界一流大学的本质特征与发展动力&复杂性科学的视角

    Impetus and Essential Nature of Top Universities in the World

  20. 试论建设世界一流大学的文化发展问题

    Cultural Development : An Important Task in Building World-class Universities

  21. 创建世界一流大学&复旦大学校园信息化建设

    Towards the World First Class University : IT Promotion in Fudan Campus

  22. 我们离世界一流大学有多远

    How Far Are We Away from the International First-class Universities

  23. 建设世界一流大学误区初探

    On Erroneous Notions Regarding Building the World 's First-class Universities

  24. 凡世界一流大学,必有一流的文、理。

    All world-class universities have the first-class arts and science .

  25. 世界一流大学的普世精神及其悖论

    The Univeral Spirit of Worldwide First - class Universities and Its Paradox

  26. 理念与模式&关于世界一流大学学科建设的解读

    Vision and Mode & An Interpretation of Disciplinary Development of World-class Universities

  27. 打造具有区域特色的世界一流大学。

    Build a first-class university with distinctive regional features .

  28. 若干世界一流大学成本结构的实证研究

    Empirical studies on the cost structures of world-class universities

  29. 试论大学管理模式与世界一流大学建设

    Research on the Mode of Management for & First-class University in the World

  30. 中国创建世界一流大学的基础分析

    China 's Foundation of Establishing the World First-rate Universities