
  • 【物】applied physics
  1. 应用物理、化学的方法使沥青脱色,加入SBS改性剂、颜料等合成彩色沥青;

    The method of the application physics and chemistry makes the bitumen take off the colors ;

  2. 介绍了作者在德国达姆斯达特大学(TechnishceHochschuleDarmstadt)应用物理所进行细管放电产生软X射线激光研究得到的初步实验结果。

    An introduction to capillary discharge soft X ray laser was made and the preliminary results of experiment in TH Darmstadt of Germany were given .

  3. 后来他在埃因霍温科技大学(TechnicalUniversityofEindhoven)学习应用物理,期间依然对计算机热情不减。

    When he went to study at the Technical University of Eindhoven , he studied Applied Physics and kept up his interest in computers .

  4. MCAI在应用物理中的应用初探

    Preliminary Probes on the Application of MCAI in Applied Physics

  5. 纵观MIMO的研究成果,大多数集中在MIMO数学模型的研究,对于它应用物理模型方面的研究较少。

    Throughout the research results of MIMO , the majority research concentrated on the mathematical model of MIMO and less on the physical model .

  6. 本文应用物理光学法分析计算了涂层弹身的RCS,计算结果与实测曲线吻合良好。

    RCS of coated missile body is calculated with physics optical method , the results are in good agreement with the experimental results .

  7. 周二,约翰霍普金斯应用物理实验室举行的发布会上,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的科学家透露,他们已收集到来自冥王星的最新图像。

    During a news briefing at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory on Tuesday , NASA scientists revealed what they 've gleaned from the latest photos of Pluto .

  8. 本文介绍了EiCompendexWeb数据库,对EiCompendexWeb数据库中的EICompendex数据库1999~2001年所收应用物理和空间物理类的期刊进行了统计和分析。

    This papr introduces the Ei Compendex Web database , then it statistics and analyses the applying physics periodicals from 1999 to 2001 which are registered by Ei Compendex database of Ei Compendex Web .

  9. 应用物理光学和等效电磁流等方法对有源隐身中被保护目标的RCS进行了计算,给出了某飞机模型RCS的理论计算值和平滑值。

    Based on the theory of physical optics and equivalent current method , the RCS of targets protected by active stealth is calculated . The values of the RCS of an airplane model are given by theoretical calculation and smoothness method .

  10. 根据谱通量最大原则选取相互作用区电子束和激光束的横向尺寸,分析了基于中国科学院上海应用物理研究所(SINAP)的皮秒、飞秒电子直线加速器的激光同步辐射实验装置的性能。

    The performance of the proposed LSS experimental facility based on the ps , fs electron accelerator of SINAP was calculated with the electron and laser beam sizes at the interacting point being determined by the criteria of maximum spectra flux .

  11. 应用物理模型和三维非连续变形分析方法分析楔形体破坏

    Physical modeling and three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis of wedge failure

  12. 试析全国应用物理知识竞赛试题第七题

    Try to analyse test number 7 of the National Applied Physics Competition

  13. 应用物理专业人才培养模式的探索

    Research on Training Mode of Personnel in the Specialty of Applied Physics

  14. 这项研究已经在《应用物理》上发表。

    The work appears in the Journal of Applied Physics .

  15. 构建工科大学应用物理专业课程体系的平台思想

    The Platform Thoughts of Specialized Course System of Applied Physics

  16. 综合应用物理因子治疗颞颌关节功能紊乱

    Synthesis Application of Physical Agent in Treatment on Temporomandibular Joint Function Disorder

  17. 应用物理法则推导蒸汽驱物理模拟相似准则

    Deduce similar criterion for physical simulation of steam drive by applying physical principles

  18. 应用物理中几类逆问题研究

    A study of some inverse problems in Applied Physics

  19. 对于精确放疗来说,应用物理技术实时虚拟人体功能成为最后的解决办法。

    For effective radiation therapy , physics-based real-time performance offers the ultimate solution .

  20. 应用物理类专业电磁学课程教学内容改革

    Reform of the electromagnetism curriculum for applied physics majors

  21. 现代应用物理系的原子核结构实验研究简介

    Overview of Experimental Research on Nuclear Structure in Department of Modern Applied Physics

  22. 应用物理技术处理油田采油废水的研究

    Study on the Treatment Technology of Oil Producing Wastewater Using Physical Filtration Method

  23. 建议应用物理专业开设微机接口技术课

    Suggestion on offering a course of microcomputer interface technology in applied physics speciality

  24. 这些新效应在基础物理和应用物理方面有着重要的应用。

    These new effects have many potential applications in fundamental physics and applied physics .

  25. 这项研究已经在应用物理快报上发表。

    The work appears in Applied Physics Letters .

  26. 问题规律应用物理教学模式的研究

    Study on " Problem-Laws-Application " Physics Teaching Model

  27. 研究传统医学需要综合应用物理、化学和生物技术。

    Studying traditional medicines demands a combination of physical , chemical and biological techniques .

  28. 西德基尔大学应用物理所的常规水文调查

    Conventional Hydrological Survey at the Institute of Applied Physics , Kiel University of West Germany

  29. 硕士及以上学历,材料科学、应用物理、化工、微电子等专业。

    Master or above major in Material Science or Applied Physics , Chemical Engineering , Microelectronics .

  30. 单位景观改造方法初探&以中国科学院上海应用物理研究所景观改造为例

    Study on Reconstruction of Landscape in Corporation-A Case of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics , Chinese Academy Sciences