
  • 网络Applied Statistics;Application Statistics;Applied Statistical Methods
  1. 免疫策略的设计和管理已经成为应用统计研究的一个重要领域。

    Immunization strategies study has became an important domain of applied statistics .

  2. 发展中国家应用统计慕尼黑高级培训中心;

    Munich Centre for advanced training in Applied Statistics for developing countries ;

  3. 建立了基于Web技术的海军飞机腐蚀数据库,对数据库中的腐蚀数据,应用统计的方法给出了日历寿命参数,供部队参考使用。

    The corrosive data-base of navy aircraft is established based on Web technology . The corrosive data can be analyzed statistically and use for the maintenance of aircraft structures .

  4. 应用统计过程控制(SPC)技术可以提高产品的质量和可靠性。

    The use of Statistics Process Control ( SPC ) can improve quality and credibility of production .

  5. 本文的模拟程序具有通用性,对模拟后的数据应用统计分析软件SPSS进行分析整理,并对其中部分相关因素之间的关系进行了分析。

    Then we analyses to the datum of simulation by SPSS , the statistical analyzable software , and the relation of some relevant factors among them .

  6. 设计了一套简单的多体碰撞实验装置,应用统计原理研究了1个小钢球与N个束缚钢球的碰撞过程,分析了其中一些有趣的现象。

    A simple device of many-body collision is designed . Statistical principle is applied to study the process that one steel ball hits the N bound steel balls . Some interesting phenomena in the experiment are discussed .

  7. 方法首先应用统计区域融合方法(SRM)实现图像分割成多块纹理一致的区域。

    Method Firstly , the algorithm of this paper uses statistical region merging ( SRM ) to divide MT image into several areas by texture .

  8. 它以各传感器获取的图像作为输入条件,应用统计信号处理中的EM算法,求出针对不同传感器的噪声参数和模糊因子,通过迭代估计出融合的图像。

    Using the EM algorithm in statistics , the fuzzy factor and noise parameters of corresponding sensor can be derived . And then by iteration operation , the fusion image is finally estimated .

  9. 按照3种情形分别选取样本,并应用统计预报中的ARMA模型、多元线性回归模型、多项式回归模型和均值生成函数模型等作出预报。

    Firstly the samples were fitted and forecast by using the ARMA model , the multivariate linear regression model , the polynomial regression model and the mean generating function model etc.

  10. 利用淮河流域实验得到的湍流湿度脉动资料,应用统计理论、Fourier分析和小波分析方法,对湍流湿度脉动的统计特征、谱特征和间歇性特征作了初步分析。

    In this paper , with the methods of statistical theory , Fourier transform and wavelet transform , the turbulent moisture data obtained from Huaihe River Basin Experiment ( HUBEX ) has been studied to explore the statistical , spectral and intermittent characteristics of turbulent moisture .

  11. 提出用Keesom势描写气体分子间的相互作用,应用统计力学理论研究吸附作用,推导出实际气体的吸附等温方程式,该等温式能较好地描述实验吸附等温线。

    In this paper , we depict the interaction between gas molecules by the Keesom , potential , and study adsorption by the application of statistical mechanics , from which we deduce the adsorption isotherm equation .

  12. 导弹精度鉴定中应用统计试验法的几个问题

    Some problems of applying statistical test method to missile accuracy evaluation

  13. 并且应用统计方法研究了分散粒子的分布。

    The distribution of dispersing particles is studied with statistical method .

  14. 应用统计能量分析法,建立了轮轨振动噪声预测模型,预测了轮轨的辐射噪声。

    Using statistical energy analysis , wheel-rail vibration noise was forecast .

  15. 应用统计过程控制提高数控加工精度

    Apply Statistical Process Control to Improve Precision Of Numerical Control Machine Tool

  16. 应用统计观点对随机应力下疲劳裂纹扩展规律的研究

    Research on fatigue crack propagation under random stresses in Statistics

  17. 应用统计推断法进行电机可靠性寿命评估

    Reliability Life Evaluation of Electric Machines by Using a Statistical Inference Mathod

  18. 应用统计能量分析计算墙体隔声的初探

    Calculation of Wall Sound Insulation by Statistical Energy Analysis

  19. 在茶学研究中正确应用统计分析方法的思考&对《茶树良种苗期生物产量与光合特性的相关研究》等文统计分析的商榷

    Consideration on the correct application of the statistical analysis method in tha research

  20. 应用统计方法对假设集合进行过滤,选择可靠的次范畴化类型。

    Hypotheses are filtered via statistical methods and reliable subcategorization types are selected .

  21. 应用统计控制技术减少计量误差

    Apply Statistical Control Technique to Decrease Metering Error

  22. 企业应用统计技术的方法与实践

    Methods and Practice Apply of Statistics for Enterprises

  23. 应用统计矩概念分析不对称峰形

    Analysis of Asymmetrical Peaks by Statistical Moments Theory

  24. 在所阅的文章中应用统计方法的使用率为58.35%;

    In all the papers , the applying rate of statistical methods was58.35 % .

  25. 应用统计面分析方法编制环境质量评价图初探

    Application of statistical surface analysis to the compilation of the map for environmental quality assessment

  26. 应用统计控制方法提高商品油交接的计量准确度

    Improve the Accuracy of Measurement in Commerce of Merchandise Oil by Using Statistical Control Method

  27. 应用统计理论中极值分布对钝态金属小孔腐蚀的研究

    Applying the Maximum Distribution in Statistical Theory to Study the Pitting Corrosion on Passive Metals

  28. 本文中,应用统计参数图方法研究电学层析成像仿真图像。

    In this thesis , simulation images of ET are studied with Statistical Parameter Mapping .

  29. 应用统计模式识别和人工神经网络研究转炉炼钢中的脱磷

    Investigating of Dephosphorization in Converter Steel-making by Applying Statistical Pattern Recognition and Artificial Neural Network

  30. 610合金对喷涂(焊)材料的切削加工应用统计方法综合优化切削加工参数

    THE CUTTING OF 610 CARBIDE SPRAYED MATERIALS Comprehensive Optimization of Metal Cutting Parameters Using Statistic Method