
yīnɡ jì shōu rù
  • accrued income;accrued revenue
  1. 应计收入将不予应税的。

    Accrued income will never be taxable .

  2. 应计收益(收入),应收未收收益:未收到也未到期的已获收入。

    Accrued income : Income earned But neither received nor past due .

  3. 应计制营业收入确定法

    Accrual method of revenue recognition

  4. 应计未收投资收入;

    Accrued and receivable income from investments ;

  5. 最常见的流动负债有应付账款、短期应付票据、长期负债的当期部分、应计负债和预收收入。

    Among the most common examples of current liabilities are accounts payable , short-term notes payable , the current portion of long-term debt , accrued liabilities , and unearned revenue .

  6. 应计比率:利息的应计率。用于养老金时指福利应计比率。净收入对在外股票比率;净收入对在外股票比率;净收益对现发股本比率;净收益对现发股本比率

    " accrual rate : The rate at which interest is accrued . In pensions , the rate at which Benefits accrue . " ratio of net income to outstanding stock