
  • 网络Employment Letter
  1. 大学毕业生应聘书写作技巧

    Writing Techniques of College Graduates ' Applying Resume

  2. 我去了国旅,交了应聘书,开始努力准备面试。

    I went to CITS , submitted my application and prepared hard for the test .

  3. 熟练掌握应聘书的写作技巧是大学毕业生的必备能力。

    It is a necessary ability for the college graduates to master the writing techniques skillfully .

  4. 从网上看到贵公司的招聘启事,我很想加入,因为我有信心,特写此应聘书,希望您能在百忙之中抽空阅读。

    From the Internet to see your company 's recruitment notices , I would like to join , because I am confident that this candidate close-up book , I hope you can busy schedule to find time to read .